The downward spiral continues for Emmanuel Macron and Édouard Philippe. The president of the Republic sees his trust rating down a point on last month. For its First minister, the fall is more harsh. Édouard Philippe loses 4 points, according to a poll by Harris Interactive released Monday. With 31 % of positive opinions, the head of the State reached its lowest level since the beginning of the quinquennium in this barometer on a monthly basis for the website Crimes of opinion.
Emmanuel Macron gives in particular the ground with close to the PS (- 7 points to 33 %), of his party The Republic on (- 3 points to 85 %) and Republicans (- 2 percentage points to 23 %). It progresses on the contrary to those of France, disobedient, and CPF (+ 5 points to 23 %) and the Rassemblement national (+ 2 points to 9 %). For the second month in a row, the odds of Édouard Philippe drops significantly, to 27 % (- 4 points). The Prime minister declined among supporters of all main political parties, although more strongly among those who are close to LREM (9 points to 76 %). He loses 4 points from the close of the Republicans, and both with those of RN (respectively, 27 % and 8 %).
The government is down
The confidence in the members of the government declined by a point, with an average of 23 %. The minister of foreign Affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian is still in the lead but assigns 4 points to 37 per cent trust, ahead of Jean-Michel Blanquer (Education), who lost 3 points, to 32 %, and Roxana Maracineanu (Sports), stable at 26 %.
Still leading the ranking of the other political figures, Nicolas Hulot acknowledges, however, a decline of 4 points in a month, to 38 %, ahead of Alain Juppé (31 %, – 2) and Xavier Bertrand (29 %, + 1). François Ruffin assigns 5 points to 15 %, and Jean-Luc Mélenchon loses a (18 %), while Bernard Cazeneuve earns 2 points to 26 %.
this Survey was conducted online from the 21st to the 26th of December at 1 028 persons 18 years of age and over, according to the method of quotas. Margin of error of 1.4 to 3.1 percentage points.