Nowadays, each of us has some problem. Problems are something that is an integral part of the living and functioning of people. It is something we have to face and deal with. No matter what kind of problem or misunderstanding it is, everything needs to be resolved at the time of occurrence. There are many ways in which misunderstandings can be resolved. Some of them are through an agreement, through a court procedure, or even better through the arbitration process which in many examples is used as the most appropriate way to reach and reach an agreement, that is, a solution that will be acceptable to the parties that are involved.


Arbitration as a term originates from the Latin language and means finding a solution that is the most favorable. This instrument of law has been used successfully for many years. The instrument is, in a way, a way of privately resolving disputes without involving the courts, judges, and legal system of the country. Disputes are resolved with the help of a professional person who acts as a judge and who listens to the involved parties to reach the solution that needs to be found. The decision must always be realistic, be made according to the situation, and not be biased, but be specific and accurate according to what happened to put an end to the dispute that the parties were facing.

Arbitrations usually involve two or more parties. For such a process to begin, the parties must show interest to cooperate and find a solution that will be the best for them, agree to go through the process, and go through the whole process without any problem. Besides the parties must agree that they will go with this concept, it is also necessary that they are familiar with certain things that are important for them to know. What are those things, and what are those factors? We bring those things and factors to you today and present them to you in detail so that in case you are in the process of arbitration, you will be familiar with everything you should be familiar with. Already interested and want to know more? Read it carefully and find out what you need to know. Let’s get started!

  1. Above all you must be very realistic in the arbitration process – when you enter such a procedure it is important to know that honesty is worth its weight in gold. We say worth as gold because if each of the parties tells their side of the story, and tells their truth, it means that the arbitrator will be able to see everything that happened in the case, he will see the opinions and statements of each of the parties and so easily will be able to make a decision that will be equally good for each of the parties. Remember, reality and honesty are important, and never shy away from that.
  2. It is of great importance for you to have legal support and legal counsel in the process so that the process is free of problems and omissions – if you think that going through the process alone is the best decision for you, then you are wrong. It is of great importance in the process to have the support of a legal entity and a legal representative who will be familiar with everything that is happening and will give you direction, excellent examples of this come from SCA Legal who in many cases responded promptly and gave correct directions to reach the desired outcome during the process that their clients were in. The lawyer will know best how to act and what to do next, what should be the next step, and you would not know.

  3. Don’t take rash steps because it will drag out the whole process – if you do what you think is best and if you are driven to be the outcome according to your desire then you will do something that is rash. It is necessary to do everything the way it should be, that is, to make decisions, and take steps in the process according to what is needed. Any wrong reaction and wrong step through the process can lead to a crash and losing the battle. So go through the process step by step and everything will work out.
  4. Honesty and cooperation from all parties involved in the process, including your side, is of great importance – it is important in this process to cooperate and be honest because that is the key to a successfully completed process. Honesty and cooperation are the keys to finding an appropriate solution and finding a way out of the situation in which the parties find themselves. It is necessary for you and the others who are in the process to do this because it will make it easier for the arbitrator to make a decision that will resolve the process. Successful cooperation also means a successful process.

  5. In situations where you feel powerless and insufficiently listened to, ask for help and advice from a lawyer – if you feel that you have no power at a given moment, that your situation that you have been in before, your action or anything that does not lead to a solution but is being used to conflict and unfairness, seek help from a lawyer or legal entity, legal society and counsel. They will give you the advice and guidance to proceed steadily and confidently in the process. Don’t give up easily, because each of your giving up and each of your reluctance means ending the process in a way that shouldn’t be ended.

These things and facts that we have presented to you today are crucial, in many cases they were decisive and important. That’s why it’s important that you know it too and do the right thing in arbitration. Of course, a solution will be reached that will surely satisfy each of the parties, and thus the process will be completed peacefully. Arbitration is the right process and way to resolve the problem peacefully, and when you already have this opportunity, use it properly.