A strip on the carriageway, it does not. If cyclists want to drive safely, you have to obstacles to make it car drivers, impossible, too inconsiderate in the past you proceed. This is in brief the result of a study from Australia.
in The journal “Accident Analysis and Prevention” published the study used cameras and distance measuring devices to determine the passing distance of motorists in Australia. The result in cycle lanes which are only marked by paint on the road, was sobering: The drivers drive very much more dense, as if the cyclist was on a road with no marking on the road. You do not keep a safety distance as prescribed. Probably you assume, it is not enough that you are driving on the wheel tracks themselves.
Service: right-of-way, Crowding, wear a helmet – Our topics to the right and wheel Fullscreen
Cheers on the Handlebars – the injustice is a lack of awareness many cyclists. Only 1.6 per thousand, a drunken cyclist loses the driver’s license. Politicians want to lower this value again and again – but this is not so easy.
1.6 ppm so the ppm is the limit for cyclists is so high
©TFILM Without track riding is safer
Indeed, the data show that the cyclists are protected without a cycle path on the road better than a road with a cycle lane. With marking the motor vehicles 27 centimeters outdated close. A Park strip for cars, was located next to the painted cycle lane, the car even drove 40 centimeters closer, as if there were no any wheel track.
Cycling is too busy right with fear
Overhauls under 100 centimetres distance will be interpreted in Australia as near-accidents. After all, six percent of the Overtaking happened with less than 100 cm distance. It is not clear which distance is really measured. Usually, the measuring devices detect the side of the vehicle, the actual narrowest point but most of the time the side mirror then the real distance would be 15 to 20 centimeters less.
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For the authors of the study, six percent of near-accidents is not a small, but a much too high value. On a typical commuter route this threatening and dangerous Situation occurs because of the variety of Overtaking manoeuvres several times a day. “Our results show that a single strip is sufficient white color, in order to protect people who ride bikes,” wrote lead author Dr. Ben Beck, the Deputy head of the emergency and trauma research, Monash University. Beck argues against their own lanes, but color alone is not enough. “The focus of the road infrastructure must be on an infrastructure, the cyclists from motor vehicles separated by a physical barrier.”
that is not Done, the will be no Change from the car to the wheel, so Dr. Ben Beck. “We know that vehicles overtaking cyclists very close, increase the feeling of uncertainty when Cycling, and a strong obstacle for a proliferation of wheel pose.”
fist-law of the jungle
However, it also depends on the culture or non-culture on the streets. In countries where tend to be the rule of the jungle applies, as in Germany, the Aggression of the stronger-motorised traffic participants not only structurally in the grip of wars.
“Where the culture is not geared to the protection of vulnerable road users, color can not be an effective, sustainable solution for the security and a sustainable infrastructure would be required,” said the British psychologist Ian Walker to “Bloomberg”.
Walker was a study from the year 2007, known around the world. His data showed that Wearing a Bicycle helmet motorist overtaking, especially animated, are particularly risky. “But if the culture is aligned 100 percent to the protection of the Weaker, then weaker infrastructure would probably be acceptable – the Netherlands approach this Situation to a large extent.”
In the “Autoland” Germany is not Overtaking tight, punishable by law. Only when it comes to an accident, the motorist bad cards, if he is drawn with a distance of under a Meter over.
source: Accident Analysis and Prevention
safety for cyclists is Always nice and wide
cyclists have no Airbag. Wilhelm Hörmann, traffic officer, when the General German Bicycle Club, explains why cyclists on the roads really wide to make.