The Benefits and risks of genetic engineering, the consequences of soils, thawing of permafrost, and the fragmentation of the habitats of animals and humans due to gigantic construction projects such as dams, railway lines or main roads, the: The United Nations warn in their report, Unep in front of these and further dangers for the environment and Ecology. “All of these environmental phenomena have profound consequences for our society, economy and Ecosystems”, write to the UN environmental experts in their Report, which was shortly before the start of the UN conference on the environment held in Nairobi, Kenya published.

According to the report, there are currently five emerging environmental hazards: the reproduction of living organisms through genetic engineering, the fragmentation of life, the Disappearance of the Permafrost, and the immense emissions of nitrogen, and the unsuccessful adaptation to climate change.

No food, no conspecifics

is Nothing less than the “Overcoming of Evolution” threatens the UN, in view of the immense progress of genetic engineering. The intervention in living organisms – such as the Crispr method – could be for the Benefit of mankind, says the Unep Report. However, you need a broad social debate and rules to control the “Power to change, restriction or replacement of entire species”.

“The far-reaching industrialisation of the reason for a comprehensive fragmentation of habitats anywhere in the world”, the Unep is a further worrying development. Once-intact habitats would continue to be fragmented further, many animals are also threatened, therefore, you will find simply no food or conspecifics for mating and more. To wander”, these only have limited ability to disperse to mate and to feed, to grow and thrive brings many species to the brink of their extinction.”

The Thawing of permafrost soils in the Arctic, describe the environmental researchers as one of the most momentous events. Directly a quarter of the entire Northern hemisphere, indirectly, the entire Planet was affected, as in the so far eternal ice of tons of greenhouse gases are saved. These would be set by the melting-free, this could trigger an uncontrollable chain reaction: The earth’s atmosphere would still be heated more, the associated changes in climate would incessantly – “ad infinitum” write to exacerbate the UN-expert.

Diminishing Permafrost, increasing nitrogen emissions

nitrogen is already an integral part of the atmosphere – 78 percent of the air consists of N2 also makes clear the UN-Report – and looks, nevertheless, a growing Problem with this Gas. So industry and agriculture, transport and energy sectors are becoming more and more oxides of nitrogen which emit, for increasing air pollution and a dwindling ozone layer. “This pollution is one of the worst for humanity”, write the researchers.

also, the many short-term and, therefore, mostly unsuccessful projects, which were implemented as a response to climate change will prepare you. These ecological and often also sociological “worse is better” would be conditions only a local Use, resources, and future action to restrict opportunities, or is the Problem just on to the next Generation.

for Example, were farmers in Somalia because of the drought, more charcoal and scarce as the forests, which contributes to dryness. Some farmers in Zimbabwe have responded to the uncertainties due to the climate by using more pesticides. This is also important insects would be killed, and the conditions deteriorated further, says the UN report. Prevent you can make Use of these unsuccessful adjustments only through better planning, more comprehensive cost-benefit analysis and the involvement of all relevant social groups.


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