glaciers are losing more and more ground and the sea level last an average of almost a Millimeter in the year. This is the conclusion of researchers from the University of Zurich by means of estimates, published in the journal Nature.

the basis for the findings of the Swiss scientists satellite measurements and field observations. The satellites measure the earth’s surface digitally, and provide information on the thickness of the ice at different points in time. According to the authors, they were able to reconstruct the changes in the world, more than 19,000 glaciers and the Eisverlust for all the mountain regions all the way back to the sixties to appreciate it.

time OnlineKartenJoe Raedle/climate change! What does that mean?

global warming is threatening the world, but how exactly? We will explain weather, climate and why the change is so dangerous.

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Ban Ki-Moon, UN Secretary General

say, why is this a Problem:

“climate change is a threat to life and our existence.”Please enable JavaScript to load map view history …

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The weather

… is the state of the atmosphere at a certain time in a certain place.

What is weather, what is climate?

The climate

… is considered the average weather over a longer period of time, about 30 years.Please enable JavaScript to load map view history …

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All good

Unfortunately, no: a Lot of damage are no longer change. The earth is warming in any case. Also, the 2°C warming affect Ecosystems around the world and threatening the livelihoods of millions of people. It is only the scale of the disaster can be contained.Please enable JavaScript to load map view history …

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Hot summer, high water, consequences of climate change.

is True. Many researchers are sure that there is a connection. Europe should not be affected as much as other continents of the earth.Please enable JavaScript to load map view history …

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As the researchers found out, lost the glacier between 1961 and 2016, more than 9,000 billion tons of ice per year is about 335 billion tons. For the responsible glaciologist Michael Zemp, this Numbers are remarkable. “Worldwide, we are losing at present, around three times the remaining glacier volume in the European Alps, and every year,” he said.

one of the most momentous melting glaciers in Alaska, Patagonia and the North pole

The impact is especially felt by people near the coast. The lost glacier mass is reflected in a global mean rise in sea level of 27 millimeters. According to the Zurich-based researchers, it was only in the years 2006 to 2016, an average of almost a Millimeter a year.

The sea ice in the world

The curve is characterized, how much the surface of the earth at the North and South pole is covered in the course of the year with sea ice. This year it has decreased dramatically, as the red line shows.

National Snow & Ice Data Center © Zeit ONLINE

the glaciers in Alaska contributed the most, followed by those in Patagonia in southern Chile and Argentina and in the Arctic glacier regions around the North pole. Also in the Alps, in the Caucasus and in new Zealand, the glaciers have lost a lot of ice cream, even if – due to the relatively small areas with minor impact on the sea level.

Currently, glaciers contribute, according to Zemp and his Team of 25 to 30 percent to the global sea level rise. Another cause is a further consequence of the earth and ocean warming: The sea water is gaining volume.

dawns The physicists: The Antarctic is more vulnerable to climate change than thought. And this has consequences for the sea level. © [M]: PA Wire/NASA


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