Pablo Iglesias is convinced that “there are a lot of people that is United Can and not what you know”. Ensure you have your hopes pinned on the debate this Monday in the TVE and the “mouth to mouth” to open their eyes to these spaniards. He has been admitted to the leader of United we Can (UP) to its membership this Sunday in la Coruña, where the training abode has been addressed to the “socialists of the heart” and ask for “an opportunity”. “Those socialists of the heart have not lost, as in us, the hope and want a government whole,” she defended Yolanda Diaz, head of poster of Pontevedra.

most of The darts of Churches have been directed to the candidate of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez. Has accused the socialist of being only “left-wing in the primary and in the election campaign.” The chairman-in-office, has deplored the co-founder of we Can, because it is not the same as that of militant socialist elected as a leader against the tide. “After the primary, [Sanchez] began to look like the candidate that he had defeated”, has attacked, in allusion to Susana Diaz, the rival Sanchez in the vote for 2017 in which it is imposed as secretary-general against the judgment of the apparatus of the PSOE. Churches have been alerted to the affiliates and supporters of the fist and the rose that Sanchez thinks to deploy the backpack austrian, a model in which “the worker is paid for his dismissal,” and will do “what is expected” of him “in Brussels” with the “cuts” that are coming for the “slowing” economy.


Married: “Sanchez he was interested in violence in Catalonia” All against the PSOE, the PSOE against all

“If the people who vote for the PSOE, and UP is in agreement that governed together, what is the problem?” wondering Churches. The answer has come to voice in scream of the seats of the palace of congress Palexco of A Coruña: “The Ibex!”, has bramado one of the 1,500 attendees at the rally. Recalling a television interview of 2016 in the that Sanchez, after being descabalgado of the general secretariat of the PSOE, accused the former president of Telefonica Cesar Alierta and the PRISA Group, publisher of THE COUNTRY, having pressured to not seek a Government of the left with we Can, Churches has been pointed out that in 2019, the president of Banco Santander, Ana Patricia Botín, and the CEOE “preferred to repeat elections to see UP in the Government”. “Those are the ones that block”, has specified, a bag that has got also to the “structure of the sewers” of the commissioner Villarejo, “who worked for BBVA”.

Churches has announced that this Monday you think “talk about the Constitution” in the debate on TVE, and has encouraged his followers to “give away” copies of the basic Law with the “social features underlined,” in order to combat the discourse of the “constitutionalists of charanga and tambourine,” “it seems that only you have read” the 155. “There are a lot of people that if you read the Constitution of the 78 just by voting in UP,” said the candidate of United we Can to the presidency of the Government, for whom a “patriot” is one who “has the guts to intervene the housing market as in Germany” and to impose a maximum price. Also the person who respects the article 128 that subordinates all the country’s wealth to the general interest.

“I Wish in the debate leave us with talk, in addition to Catalonia, of the Constitution”, has been desired. It has not been his only request for the duel tv: “it Would be decent that the electors socialists to know if your party is going to seek a settlement of the investiture with the right”. Minutes before, however, Antón Gómez-Uk, number one for A Coruña, had already extended the distrust on the denials of Sanchez to a hypothetical agreement with the PP: “How are we going to believe someone who says, in a campaign that will repeal the labour reform and then not do it?”.


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