Photo credit: TASS/Valery sharifulin
In Moscow from the hotel was hospitalized citizens of China. It is reported by TASS, citing a source.
it is Noted that the incident occurred in one of the hotels in Voykovsky district. From there was taken to the hospital on the 7th of Chinese. It is known that they were hospitalized with high temperature.
it is Reported that doctors made preliminary diagnosis of SARS.
Earlier, a disturbing situation occurred in Sheremetyevo. On the flight Beijing – Moscow became ill 13-year-old boy from China. He complained of stomach pains and high temperature. Fears of the coronavirus has not been confirmed. Also found no disease and the five Chinese students, which previously was hospitalized in Irkutsk.
the Outbreak of a new type of pneumonia was recorded in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Hotbed of the epidemic is currently Hubei province.
In Russia, created two tools for detection of 2019 coronavirus-nCoV. Thanks to its independent methods of rapid diagnosis of the disease at an early stage of infection. According to Rospotrebnadzor, cases of a new type of pneumonia among Russians have been identified.
China on Monday to suspend sending tourists abroad
see also
the Number of cases of pneumonia in China has grown to 1.3 thousand chelovekochasov from tours to China, the Russians can demand a full refund