History 20/03/20 “Chernoluchye”: how he fought the terrible, the Cossacks
Black Cossacks, the terror and white, and red. They did not take prisoners, did not go to the negotiations, never surrendered weapons. Its other name – chernoknizhnyi they received from the fact that their entire form, including the long Shlyk on the hat, was black. They wore short black embroidery, black breeches, their black flag was a skull and the slogan “Ukraine or death!”.
Without fear,
Its another name – chernoknizhnyi they received from the fact that their entire form, including the long Shlyk on the hat, was black. They wore short black embroidery, black breeches, their black flag was a skull and the slogan “Ukraine or death!”.
Black Cossacks was the largest cavalry regiment of the Ukrainian people’s army. According to various estimates, this formation was 300-400 sabres, 200-400 bayonets and gun battery. Chernoknizhnyi could not get proper financial support from the Ukrainian army. Almost the entire Arsenal was produced in fighting.
In the Winter campaign of 1920 the army of the UNR went into the composition of 10 thousand people, returned back only 4319 people, including Nesterovich. A regiment of chernoknizhnikov began a campaign consisting of 417 people, returned back over 500. Black Cossacks got a lot of captured weapons: guns, carts, guns.
They almost did not take prisoners. Those who could be useful to them, chernoluchye “exiled” in their bellies squad. When the combat strategy followed by black Cossacks, to survive in the bellies of the squad could only be a very prepared person, but in scouts to chernoluchye went voluntarily to serve in the regiment was an honor.
About the prowess and courage of chernoknizhnikov legends. The adjutant of the 2nd Zaporozhian regiment centurion Nicephorus Avramenko said: “Chernoknizhnyi prisoner did not give up, fought desperately. Was known as a ruthless and implacable. People that except restless heart, ready for a dangerous mission, lost with fear of the rest of the human good.”
All black
presumably, only an appearance of black Cossacks catching up to enemies fear. Form of chernoknizhnikov was a psychological weapon, an effective weapon.
However, the very appearance of this form for a variety of reasons sufficient household. In 1919, chernoluchye recaptured Makhno station Lozovaya and took a good “harvest” – two cars gray and black cloth and three cars of sugar. Znackovy Petro Dyachenko in Kremenchug ordered tailor complete sets of uniforms, of cloth, paid for the work sugar. Ataman Bolbochan, arrived at an army inspection, was amazed by the look of chernoknizhnikov told that “the Royal guard never looked better.” Also Bolbochan allowed the division to bear his name. So chernoknizhnyi got another name – bolbochanu.
the Revealing story of how blacks were afraid of the Cossacks, occurred in 1919, when the regiment returned to the Ukrainian army. To get to her, needed to stay on the territory occupied by the Romanians.
the Romanians never sold the products of Ukrainians and demanded disarmament. In the end, they disarmed almost all regiments of the Ukrainian army. All but one of chernosvitova. They simply do not have to disarm.
Colonel Dyachenko said: “Again, jokingly, I asked the Romanian, it’s possible he already who was disarmed?”. The question of supply is the same Dyachenko decided to just gave the Romanian Colonel bribe – three horses. To fight chernoknizhnyi Romanians did not want to. In the end, the black regiment of Cossacks only returned to the UPR army with ammunition, arms, horses, and military equipment.
Father Trotsky and Kotovsky
may 18, 1920 the commander of the black Cossacks Petro Dyachenko nearly captured the brigade commander Grigory Kotovsky. The Kotovsky brigade was defeated, and the Kotovsk narrowly escaped death and captivity. In the midst of battle Dyachenko didn’t know the brigade commander, confusing it with the Ukrainian officers.
Interesting episode also connects chernoknizhnikov with Livom Trotsky. Returning to the army of the UPR in 1920, black Cossacks visited palbu, where he lived the father’s “demon of the revolution”. The owner was not at home. Barefoot, he ran from home, never went back.
Petro Dyachenko was returned and after the Civil war. His “Free Ukraine” was part of the Wehrmacht. For the battles against the red army Dyachenko was awarded the Iron cross. After the Second world war Dyachenko emigrated, lived in Munich and the USA, advised the American intelligence on the “Ukrainian question” and grew roses.
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