Monday, January 13, 2025

Coronavirus discovered new symptoms! – You should pay attention to this in children

The corona virus has been part of human everyday life for several months. And researchers from all over the world discover more details about the highly contagious virus every day. Now there are reports of new symptoms, which should particularly occur in children...

Secret Nazi Diary Discovered – Huge Gold Treasure Hidden Under Polish Castle?

This news is certain to electrify many treasure hunters. The SS officer's diary is said to contain several locations where the Nazis are said to have hidden valuables and art objects. Now it has become known that one of the hiding places is...

Ariana Grande commemorates Manchester terrorist attack

Sad anniversary On May 22, 2017, more than 800 people were injured in a terrorist attack shortly after a concert by US singer Ariana Grande (26, "7 Rings"). A suicide bomber detonated a bomb in the foyer of an arena in Manchester...

Guitar virtuoso Carlos Santana mourns little brother Jorge

Guitarist Carlos Santana (72, "Ultimate Santana") announced the death of his youngest brother Jorge Santana via Facebook. "We take the time to celebrate the outstanding spirit of our beloved brother Jorge," says a wirs deceased who also made a name for himself as a...

Thomas Gottschalk celebrates his 70th birthday with ZDF

Live show from Berlin Thomas Gottschalk turns 70 on May 18. The ZDF is no slouch and throws a party for "our Thommy". In the program "Happy Birthday, Thomas Gottschalk"! "On May 17th from 10:15 p.m., the Mainz broadcaster celebrated live with...