Thursday, December 26, 2024

Destruction of Delft: 40 tons of powder drove the city into the air

Not many knew of the "Seecret van Holland" (secret of the Netherlands), which was hidden under the former poor Clares convent on the Paarden market in the centre of the Dutch city of Delft. It was a Good of the utmost military...

Bill Gates keeps population growth in Africa for the great challenge

There are unusually pessimistic tones, the Bill Gates strikes. The 62-year-old founder of Microsoft, the second richest man in the world, has been engaged for more than ten years, together with his wife, Melinda, principal occupation for the good cause: the fight...

Interval fasting: The only diet that really brings what

Previously, Bernhard Ludwig was often diets. He starved himself on dress size M and fed back to XXL. The pounds came back soon, faster than they disappeared. A typical victim of the yo-Yo effect. Now, he stands on stages and tells...

Why you should tell people more often what you like about them

In the Rhineland, one pronounces the "ch" like an "sh". This results in the sympathetic dialect, some might know of the character Of "Dennis". Evil tongues claim that this dialect is reserved for members of lower educational strata. For me, this character...

Sex study: What is the Sex of the German 45-year-old man has?

The doctors suspected that there would be a sensation. They had interviewed in Germany, 45-year-old men to their sexual identity.Now, there were results that did not fit into the General picture: men who self-identify as gay, sleeping with women. Gay men who...