Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Phoebe – The brain also gets tired

What route should I take to go to a bus stop ? What path my hand will she follow in order to grasp an object ? These two situations have in common to be extremely simple and be carried out without taking...

Glyphosate : a minister of bad faith ?

The new Agriculture minister, Didier Guillaume, has just declared that, in the case of babies malformed, that" there may be suspicions, but there is no scientific evidence ". If it considers that there is no danger to the health regarding glyphosate, why...

London : a crowd giant demand a second referendum on the Brexit

tens of thousands of people, according to the organizers, began to protest loudly this Saturday in London to demand a referendum on the final agreement on the Brexit, again negotiated between London and Brussels to five months of the withdrawal of the...

Mélenchon, visé by the judges, s’takes the médias

Between Jean-Luc Mélenchon and the media, the cloth burns... again. The sequence opened with the searches conducted at home or at the headquarters of the party of the leader of France insubordinate (BIA) has degenerated, at the end of the week, in a confrontation...

Mixed Martial Arts: MMA Fight Club for neo-Nazis in the Saxon town of Ostritz

The Saturday on which the Nazis come to Ostritz, is beautiful. The sun's rays flood the streets of the 2400 inhabitants of the Village in Saxony. In the gardens, families sitting on the grill breeding meat tent. In the afternoon, a motorcade...