Saturday, November 23, 2024

The world’s tallest building: The complicated road to Kilometer-mark

to be at the Very top of a skyscraper, this is a bit like flying. Easy to learn in the 96. Floor of the house number 875 North Michigan Avenue, the third tallest building in the United States. "Signature Room" is the...

As he talks about life in Canada, immigrants from Nigeria, the tears

"What more could I ask for from God?" ask me, Christian. He has done it. To Canada, into the land of dreams. Christian is 30, a mountain of a man, but in this Moment he seems to be very small. When he...

Al-Baghdadi, the hunt

"What were they doing outside at this hour ? " The commander Ciyager fixed his notebook with horror. He discovers the images of the mutilated bodies of his two companions d’weapons. Those two recruits d’worth 20 years of age, stationed in a town to the...

In the flagship country of immigration, Canada, Liberal rates to self: Be hard on refugees

Im Sommer erzählen Projektoren auf der Fassade des kanadischen Parlaments in Ottawa jeden Abend einen Teil der Geschichte des Landes, hunderte Menschen versammeln sich für diese Lichtshow auf dem Hügel neben dem Ottawa River. Zum Schluss ertönt die englisch-französische Hymne, der Mann...

Running legend Uta Pippig: Greet other runners while you Run?

I saw you from Far away, her step was a little difficult. I smiled, and ran over to her, I said gently: "hi, everything okay?" She replied a bit annoyed: "Oh, you're one to talk, you make it seem so easy," I...