Saturday, January 11, 2025

Coronavirus unemployment benefits can be 1 500 rubles

Coronavirus unemployment benefits can be 1 500 rubles
Announcing the measures on social support of the population in the current difficult times, President Putin has promised to increase "the maximum payout for unemployment benefits" to the level of the minimum wage, that is up to 12 130 rubles a month. Change the existing rules of calculation of benefits, which guarantee only a miserable unemployed the income is not supposed to.

Because of the pandemic, the Russians began to refuse to repay loans

Because of the pandemic, the Russians began to refuse to repay loans
What people burdened with loans? As it turned out, the pandemic coronavirus, the borrowers have informed the banks about the inability to pay debts. Some of them delay or reduce salary, whose company suspends operations indefinitely, someone refers to the isolation, fear to go outside or even says that is sick. Yes, such examples are few, but they are. It is not only about reducing the solvency of the Russians on the background of the epidemic. And not only about the risks for the consumer lending market. Coronavirus, undermining the foundations of the human world, poses intractable challenges to all banks, their customers, the Central Bank, the current banking legislation.

Experts have predicted the ruble hours a week

Experts have predicted the ruble hours a week
After a slight growth in the value of the ruble, which was observed on March 24, the Russian currency is again moving down. The official rate of the Central Bank, exhibited on the 27th of March is 78,72 of the ruble to the dollar (minus 90 cents). One of the reasons for the fall call an emergency appeal by President Vladimir Putin on the situation with coronavirus in our country and, in particular, the announcement of the week from 30 March to 5 April. A relatively distant period of time, experts advise not to do hasty conclusions. Everything will depend on the further situation with the epidemic of the coronavirus and oil prices. The strengthening of the dollar above 80 rubles, most likely, will not happen, but the quotes below 77 rubles for a "green" can hardly be expected.

Experts: the world was on the verge of a severe crisis in the history of

Experts: the world was on the verge of a severe crisis in the history of
Symptoms of a severe economic crisis are multiplying like the clicks in the Geiger counter as you get closer to the source of radiation. At first it was rare background heard, now we hear a continuous crash every day bankrupt the entire industry, collapsing stock markets, break trade chains, stopped traffic, closed businesses, universities, shops, restaurants. The experts, politicians, international authoritative institutions jointly and severally agree: Yes, the world is rapidly entering (or already entered) a recession, which in its scope and destructive effect will far surpass the financial storm of 2008-2009, and all previous, including the Great depression in the United States 1929-1933.

High energy consumption in quarantine can fly population a lot of money

High energy consumption in quarantine can fly population a lot of money
The electricity bill for citizens may grow by 15-20% due to their being in isolation due to the spread of coronavirus, said the Deputy energy Minister Yevgeny Grabchak. According to officials, if the consumer is not inclined to saving, he will have to pay more, if only slightly.