Saturday, January 11, 2025

Putin’s “tax the rich”: whether to withdraw deposits from banks

Putin's "tax the rich": whether to withdraw deposits from banks
The appeal of Vladimir Putin to the people in connection with the coronavirus was not only preventive. The President announced measures which will play a “long-term” and, in fact, directly to contain the outbreak will not help. The last one has been dubbed the “tax the rich" and not a little stirred all who listened. Putin instructed to take withholding tax of 15% on dividends and interest on accounts in foreign jurisdictions and 13% of income from Bank deposits and securities with a volume of over 1 million rubles.

Called the amount of financial assistance trump every American

Called the amount of financial assistance trump every American
The us economy will get 2.2 trillion dollars for the reconstruction in crisis caused by a coronavirus. It is so much a plan of Donald trump, who needs to save the economy (and the political future of the President) from collapse during the course of this year. The money will be sent to different groups: every American will receive $1200 from the state, also significant amounts will be allocated to small and medium businesses in the form of interest-free loans and other financial relief measures. But economic measures are only the tip of the iceberg. To implement the plan required the termination of the quarantine, and trump is willing to make substantial concessions. But the outcome of such a venture is a complex issue.

Sberbank has no plans to close the branch at the time of non-working weeks

Sberbank has no plans to close the branch at the time of non-working weeks
Sberbank will continue to operate normally during the period from 30 March to 3 April, which is declared in connection with the coronavirus. The Bank will provide all exchange market operations, domestic and international payments and will also accept applications for restructuring of loans from businesses and individuals affected by the epidemic.

“If by June the pandemic will subside, the economy has a chance”

"If by June the pandemic will subside, the economy has a chance"
Coronavirus paralyzed global economy, have subjected her to an unprecedented test of strength. The main aggravating factor of the crisis was the uncertainty: no one knows how long the pandemic and what will result in the end for humanity, this monstrous mess. Losses from the event exceeded the damage from the 2008 crisis and the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, said the Secretary-General of the Organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD) Jose angel Gurria. About the ensuing global recession have ushered in the largest investment banks on wall street, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs Group. As for Russia, she had nowhere to go with distress overall vehicle. Now what can we expect, how really bad things, when a glimmer of light at the end of this viral-the economic tunnel — about this in an interview with "MK" says leading expert of the Center for political technologies, assistant to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation in 1993-1998 Nikita Maslennikov.

The Russians spoke about the attempts to return the money for tickets

The Russians spoke about the attempts to return the money for tickets
March 27 Russia stops flights to other countries. With the instruction to limit all Charter and regular flights abroad, the government appealed to the Federal air transport Agency. The exception is proposed to make only boards that take out the Russians from other countries. On the background of this news the voyagers began to attack the airline. Customers require them to return money for already purchased tickets. However, the carriers themselves are on the verge of profitability and cache is offer people the "air" of: loyalty points, which can pay a future visit, alas, impossible in a pandemic.