Friday, January 10, 2025

Social activists proposed measures of “housing support”: the mortgage reduced by half

Social activists proposed measures of "housing support": the mortgage reduced by half
Emergency measures to rescue the housing market in the period of the pandemic coronavirus suggested by experts of the Public chamber of the Russian Federation. The experts consider it necessary to give people subsidies for rent, and mortgage payments cut by more than half.

Experts assessed the decree of Putin about the week: code is not provided

Experts assessed the decree of Putin about the week: code is not provided
Next week in Russia will be broken. This was announced by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin during his emergency appeal to the Russians. The salary employees will be retained. Experts believe that such measures do not comply with current legislation, but that "few people will confuse".

The economy, disease, coronavirus: how epidemics have ravaged humanity

The economy, disease, coronavirus: how epidemics have ravaged humanity
With the transformation of the coronavirus pandemic as if the world fell into a stupor. Confidence in economic stability, security, and the omnipotence of medicine crashed to smithereens. Victims COVID-19 were residents of developed countries, although previously a lethal disease was considered the scourge of the third world States. But in modern history the planet is suffering from global epidemics is not the first time. Even in the twenty-first century, the world has already had to deal with pandemics: SARS, Ebola, swine and bird flu. However, the lessons of the last few taught us, and now the international community is confused by his impotence. As the epidemic of the past years changed the course of history? Have suffered the loss of economies due to viruses? Is it worse for coronavirus plague and the "Spanish flu"? About this material "MK".

Reserve Fund Saudi Arabia was more Russian NWF

Reserve Fund Saudi Arabia was more Russian NWF
Oil war that erupted after the failure of the transaction OPEC+, is in full swing. The participants — the countries-manufacturers of oil trade blows every day. As it turned out, the US President Donald trump has supported Saudi Arabia, which is due to the increase in oil supply is going to oust Russia from the world market of "black gold". Although the cooperation of the Saudis with the Americans, it may be tempting to quickly reach an agreement, Washington and Riyadh is unlikely to succeed.

Experts have discovered a new fraud scheme with clients in the Forex market

Experts have discovered a new fraud scheme with clients in the Forex market
More than 450 complaints about unlicensed brokers enrolled in the Association of Forex dealers (AFD) last year