Sunday, December 29, 2024

Authorities have given six-month reprieve from loan payments: who will get it

Authorities have given six-month reprieve from loan payments: who will get it
Borrowers banks and microfinance institutions (MFIs) whose incomes due to the pandemic coronavirus sank by more than 30%, the saving gained for themselves the right to a six-month break on mortgage and consumer credits. The state Duma adopted the law which allows natural persons, individual entrepreneurs (IP) and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to defer repayment of principal and payment of interest on loans. According to respondents, "MK" is not a panacea for in a crisis situation citizens and companies, but many of them will avoid the most of bankruptcy.

Pensions and benefits are under threat

Pensions and benefits are under threat
Pension Fund and insurance funds to lose trillions of rubles. Their piggy banks began to empty in March 2024, for cuts in wages, rising unemployment and falling real incomes of Russians. By the way, that extrabudgetary funds people pay pensions and other benefits. Save the situation can the funds of the national welfare Fund (NWF). The money is enough to survive any quarantine. At the same time, experts believe that now in the first place should be of material help to people, instead of saving funds. Time to distribute the cache to citizens has come.

The sad forecast for the economy of Russia is the situation in China

The sad forecast for the economy of Russia is the situation in China
Recently the world press discussed the disagreements at the summit of foreign Ministers of the "Big seven" caused by the US desire to call COVID-19 "Chinese virus", which ran on the traditional European political correctness. It seems to me that the dispute about the name is not so fundamental — but China as the country first faced with the epidemic, of course, is an important benchmark for those who are determined with the strategy of confrontation of the disease. However, there are other reasons to pay close attention.

Life after oil will be a bad dream

Life after oil will be a bad dream
April 1 expired deal of the OPEC+ to reduce oil production, which is the main exporters did not want to renew. Now countries will be able to mine as much "black gold" as you'd like. But these "wishlist" intervened coronavirus, which decimated the national economy at the root. Oil is now useless, because people from the disease it is not a cure. Meanwhile, the Russian budget consists mostly of oil and gas revenues, and he has a big problem. The cost of domestic Urals fell to $13. The same amount it cost in posledovatel 1999. But if the problem is the budget, and each one of us. However, the occasion will test the assurances of the authorities that Russia's economy off the oil needle. And pay the rehab out of their pockets.

The estimated price of Russian Urals oil was negative

The estimated price of Russian Urals oil was negative
The oil price formula in Russia started to match negative values. Experts this situation is called paradoxical.