Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Digital recruitment: specialists are there, you just have to find it

Okay, admittedly, That was polemic. Of course, I don't hear that from all the companies. And, of course, there are many companies also complain about nothing. Because they are either on an area on the road, on which there are enough skilled...

The protection of the Constitution: The long shadow of Hans-Georg Maaßen

A new trunk line. Only: Who should do it? In what condition is behind Hans-Georg Maaßen, the protection of the Constitution? What to expect from his successor? And as the confidence in the authority can be recovered? There are so some construction...

Financial investment: The search for Savings and return on investment

the Fund industry is leaving. Many readers reported fine gold on the Research in the spring of this year, when the Dax closed at 13,500 meters, just below the record high that they had to get after years of communicative drought again...

Herbert Grönemeyer criticised Angela Merkel – “you do not communicate easy”

The singer Herbert Grönemeyer, accuses Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), a lack of communication. "Many are angry because they feel that they are not involved with," said the musician to the "time-magazine". It was like a family. If there are questions and Fears,...

Donald Trump: penal duties by the US President to act differently than I thought

Philip Grothe can't hide his glee. "Thank you, Mr. Trump," says the CEO of Alimex, a small medium-sized company from Willich, Germany on the lower Rhine, and referring to the punitive tariffs on aluminum. Since June, the United States collect at the...