Saturday, January 11, 2025

“Implant Files”: the number of injuries caused by implanted medical devices increased

last year's medicine may have caused products in more than 14,000 cases of complications, injury and even death of patients. This is the result of research by NDR, WDR and süddeutsche Zeitung in cooperation with the International consortium for Investigative journalists and...

To exit the EU : “The Brexit is for Northern Ireland to be a disaster”

Contents page 1 — "The Brexit is for Northern Ireland to be a disaster" page 2 — "Both groups were able to maintain their face" On a page Twenty years ago, the good Friday agreement officially ended the nearly 30-year-long conflict in Northern...

Europe: Germans have the lowest life expectancy in Western Europe

Among Europeans the Germans have a very life expectancy, only the Eastern Europeans. This was the finding of one of the largest health studies in the world, the Global Burden of Disease Study (PDF), the results of which were published in the...

Climate change: greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to a new high

Climate change - greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to a new high, The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere weather organization increases, according to the World annually. There was no evidence for a Change in this trend, the UN Organisation. © Photo: STR/AFP/ ...

Mental health: The Brexit can make you sick

Contents page 1 — The Brexit can ill page 2 — rise of a racist "hate crimes," according to the Brexit Referendum On a page imagine that Germany would have to think about a Reform of the health insurance system and no one...