Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Polio: Pakistan launches first country-wide vaccination campaign against Polio

Pakistan wants to fight the viral disease Polio with a country-wide vaccination campaign. About 260,000 helpers to vaccinate in five days 39.2 million children under the age of five against the contagious disease, said the spokesman for Impfangelegenheiten Babar Bin Atta. ...

Health policy : Karl Lauterbach calls for mandatory vaccination for measles

After criticism the world health organization (WHO) to Opponents and opponents has called SPD-health politician Karl Lauterbach again for a vaccination for measles. "I am in favour of when such a dangerous disease like the measles is a vaccination compulsory," said Lauterbach...

Alcohol: elixir of the incarnation

What was the first held at the site with the name "bulbous hill" – the Mines or the Pray? The question is, since the German archaeologist Klaus Schmidt of the 1990s, on the Göbekli Tepe in Southeast Anatolia, mysterious stone age Remains...

Total Eclipse of the moon: early risers will see red

Online map of moon, red lunar Eclipse! Blood moon! In the sky what's quite nice. What the hell is that? Please enable JavaScript to this map story shop to view ...Please enable JavaScript to load map view history ... Share this...

Climate protection: 1000 small actions for the climate

Contents page 1 — 1,000 small actions for the climate-page 2 — small livestock manure also makes page 3 — "I eat trash" page 4 — Since the age of 12 autolos On a page read all people Would live like the Germans,...