Thursday, January 16, 2025

Children’s diseases: A computer program, the cough of Asthma is different

A team of researchers from China has developed a computer program that learns, patients data, to evaluate and to detect children's diseases from a harmless cold about Asthma to life-threatening inflammation of the brain. The program can be used to distinguish in...

Genetically modified babies: This turning point may not be the end of Crispr

Contents page 1 — This break must not discuss the end of Crispr to criticize his page 2 time, to read call On a page Lulu and Nana have changed the world, without it. For The Better? For The Worse? The Chinese researchers...

Biodiversity: What are Germany’s bees are dying

In Bavaria have around 900,000 citizens of the people's initiative, signed the diversity of species – you want to stop dying by means of several Modifications of the Bavarian nature conservation act, the Insects and the diversity of species to save. Come...

10 Tips For Keeping Your Employees Safe In The Workplace

Employers have many responsibilities to hold, and most certainly, ensuring the safety of employees at the workplace is one of them. Employees trust their surroundings and the place where they work. Apart from their home, this is the place where they spend their maximum...

Homelessness: the Mentally ill and on the street

Contents page 1 — Mentally ill and on the road page 2 — "The apartment no downed drinkers" page 3 — free How you can help the people anyway? On a page Mr B., was born in the mid-seventies, grew up as an...