When the US and USSR almost started a Third world
11 Aug 1984 Ronald Reagan in a radio address to Americans are suddenly declared " My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to announce today that it has signed a decree declaring Russia outlawed forever. The bombing begins in five minutes."
Why the Red Army lost the battle of Rzhev
Rzhevskaya battle will forever go down in the history of the great Patriotic war as one of the most significant and tragic pages. Today we argue about the term "Rzhevskaya battle" because some historians believe that one should speak not about the battle of Rzhev, and on a series of successive 5 January 1942 to 21 March 1943 offensive operations of the Kalinin and Western front of the red army against German army group "Center".[C-BLOCK]
What you need to do to launch Russian nuclear missiles
Nuclear collision of the leading powers many believe is almost inevitable, tying him with the biblical prophecy of Armageddon is the last war before the end of the world. However, the Russian President is not enough to simply click to the unavoidable happened. To activate the nuclear Arsenal of the country is only possible through concerted actions of several people.[C-BLOCK]
The “dirty” time in the history of Europe
Contrary to popular belief, not the middle Ages, namely the early modern period (XV-XVIII centuries) has become the dirtiest in the history of Europe. By modern standards, the Europeans lived in completely unsanitary conditions, so much so that the question of whether there will be due to dirt any disease, was completely unnecessary. Another disease due to the lack of hygiene was in every man's life is absolutely inevitable.
In September 1985, Saudi Arabia dealt a terrible blow to the Soviet Union
In 1985 on the background of overproduction of oil by Saudi Arabia to the surprise of many decides to increase production of "black gold", which causes the immediate collapse of oil prices. The drop in the price of the main resource of the planet hurts, and the Soviet economy.
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Navigating the legal landscape after a DUI charge in Lake County can be challenging. Our experienced team of Lake County DUI Attorneys is dedicated...