The financial entrepreneur Carsten Maschmeyer waived once per quarter year for several days on solid food. Instead, he drinks up to five days, with only water, tea and juices.

“The cleans it’s creepy, and is an incredible Exercise of self-discipline and willpower,” said the 60-Year-old the German press Agency in Hamburg. This is a concept he learned about 13 years ago, in Thailand, to know and appreciate.

The first two days were particularly hard, “but on the third day you start to fly”. In the meantime, he was doing this diet prefer to the normal working days and not on vacation. “If you have the whole day off and thinks, “Unfortunately, two hours before I must again drink the juice”. Nah. I’d like to do while working because I am distracted and it is mentally much easier for me.”

Maschmeyer is one of the seven heads of companies, the invest for the Vox-rate-hit “the cave of The lion” money in promising Start-ups. The new season will start on Tuesday (3. September) at 20.15 hrs.

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