The exalcaldesa of Madrid, Manuela Carmena, has made her debut in the election campaign to boost the candidacy of More Country. Joined this Tuesday at a joint event in Bilbao with the party leader, Íñigo Errejón, and the head of the list for the province of Bizkaia, Txema Urkijo. Carmena stood at the head of the consistory madrid when Urkijo was advisor to the commissioner of Historical Memory and has been praised by those who, like him coming in “in politics without being political professionals.” During the event, in which the three have talked among themselves to flee from the format rally, Carmena has criticized the election debate this Monday between the five candidates for the presidency of the Government, for being “a model that is worth.”
For the exalcaldesa there was no sense in the absence of More Country in the encounter because “when there has been a failure of elections, that it reaches someone else is positive.” Carmena, who has stressed on several occasions that it is not in active politics, has also claimed the need for future discussions to include a check in direct of the claims of the candidates: “why do you have to accept these outrageous things that the majority of rapists are foreigners?”.
Errejón has been particularly hard with what is said in the debate by the leader of the Vox, which according to him could “give a rally on television without anyone to answer him”, in reference to the attitude of the other candidates. The founder of We may has also criticized the leaders of the bloc, progressive, the general secretary of the PSOE and United we Can, Pedro Sanchez and Pablo Iglesias. It has been assured that, after watching the debate, it is clear that “if you go back to rely on them two, we’re going to third election.” “I’m glad to have taken a step forward and that we can pick up all those people who yesterday felt orphaned,” he assured the candidate of More Madrid.
Another life after the mayor’s office The outputs of Carmena, Errejón and Serra descabezan More Madrid
this Is the first time that the exalcaldesa of Madrid comes to an act in this campaign, though it had shown previously its support to who was his partner in the match More Madrid. This Monday, the party released a video in which you can see to the exalcaldesa by calling the registrants from More Country to ask for collaboration in the campaign. “If there are that come here and there is that support, because I am supporting,” he says with a registered Carmena in the video. The exalcaldesa also arropará to Errejón at the close of the campaign this Friday in Madrid, as said the spokesman of the party, Rita Maestre.
Bizkaia is the only province of the Basque Country, which is More Country, as Errejón decided that only concurriría in the 18 provinces where it has more chances of getting representation and not divide the vote progressive. However, the latest barometer of the CIS before the elections does not give you any seat for the constituency basque and predicted that only will take between three and four seats in all the national territory, which makes it impossible to obtain parliamentary group of their own.