Experts estimate the average earnings of the Moscow taxi drivers
Moscow taxi drivers on average earn 65-74 thousand rubles per month. For this they need to work 12 hours six days a week, the newspaper “Izvestia”.
According to the calculations of the leasing company “Europlan”, a taxi driver must work 300 hours per month. For a standard eight-hour schedule, the driver will work six days 32-38 thousand rubles, and working five days a week – 20-25 thousand rubles.
the Amount paid for vehicles taken on lease. According to estimates of the company, 3% cost of the trip in this case accounts for the lease payments and insurance (CASCO and OSAGO), 4% goes to the taxi company, and 8% are spent for reimbursement of the cost of leasing cars.
From the trip the taxi driver receives only 34% of the taxes and operating expenses leaves 23% of the cost of the trip and about 25% receive an aggregator.
Previously, the Department of transportation reported that the average bill for a trip to the Metropolitan taxi is 464 rubles. However, the office drew attention to the fact that some of the major aggregators and operators the price was lower, and the other, on the contrary, increased.
it was analyzed the performance of companies such as Gettaxi, is “Lucky”, “Citymobil” and “Yandex”. Experts said that the waiting time usually does not exceed three to five minutes, while customers mainly use taxis for short trips around the city.
At the beginning of 2024, the Deputy mayor for transport Maxim Liksutov said that Moscow in 2024 it is planned to launch a system that will take into account the work of taxi drivers.
According to him, “some taxi drivers first, and spend 8-10 hours one aggregator, then switch to the other.” In this regard, the authorities plan to extend the system, which will take into account the work of taxi drivers and “impossible to make such a switch”.
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the Fine for taxi aggregators can reach 500 thousand rubleve SF made for improving the environmental sustainability of taxi in Russia