It was supposed to be a beautiful day for the twelve-year-old Silas Roest from the vicinity of Copenhagen. The Boy has lived since his birth with the so-called Crouzon syndrome, a genetic disorder that can lead to a deformation of the skull. Hospital visits for Silas, therefore, unfortunately, to the everyday, 30 times, he had to be operated on. A visit to the Copenhagen Zoo should be a small escape from everyday life. There, Silas wanted to be with his mother Malene Ramsing the Pandas to admire, the life, Recently at the Zoo Roest. His Favorite Animals.

However, for Silas, the trip ended not as beautiful as hoped for. Because several children made in the course of the visit of Silas’s funny and mobbten him, so his mother, Malene, according to the TV station TV2. A minimum of 15 times it came to such incidents. In particular, two six-year-old children had been bad: “they showed (on Silas, Anm. d. Red.), laughed, making Würgegeräusche and brought Friends so they could see the freak show too. The others collapsed with Laughter and shouting ‘Yuck!'”, told Malene Ramsing Roest, describing the incident on Facebook.

Kære forældre og pædagoger til børn som i dag the 21.5.2019 har været i Kbh zoo med børnehave/ skole. He lidt af min…

Posted by Malene Ramsing Roest on Tuesday, 21. May 2019

mother: “something is hurting me”

she put the two six-year-olds to speech and told them that they should stop. She confronted the teachers of the children, of the immediately the bullying sub-band. Later there was a further incident in which a group of girls of about ten years tuschelte about Silas and showed him. Also in this case, the mother said Malene with the girls, who showed themselves to be embarrassed. “Something like this really hurts,” she told the newspaper “B. T.”.

“Silas is angry and sad about something. He does not know how he should react, but he is being harassed. And as a mother, you want to do everything to protect him and his feelings,” said Malene Ramsing Roest TV2. You and Silas are so used to it that people are curious, look, whisper, or ask questions. But the events in the Copenhagen Zoo made the 46-year-old mother in anger boil and she wrote in her appeal in the case of Facebook: “It is not easy, when so-called ‘normal’ children learn from home, how to behave with other people. Because even if the person looks different, and you have not seen something like this before, it’s NOT OK to laugh, point fingers, giggling, making faces, to make Würgegeräusche or to talk bad about other people.”

Malene Ramsing Roest writes in the Facebook post, which was almost shared 18,000 Times and more than 8600 comments, further: “My son is also a human being with feelings. Remember to talk with your children about how to behave towards other people, whether with or without disability.” According to her, Silas in the school will, where he 5. Class visited, not bullied. In the Public Silas have to fight more and more with bullying. His mother advises other parents to ask to encourage your children, why Silas looks like he’s doing it. So you would get the best that Silas is an ordinary Boy.

sources: TV2, “B. T.”, “Ekstra Bladet”, Facebook



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