Contents page 1 — the Bundestag since what? Page 2 — parents-to-be need a lot of knowledge On a page

read and investigate The genome of a baby in the womb? The blood of the Pregnant woman is often sufficient. So nine weeks after conception by a blood test to test whether the Unborn child has Down syndrome. On Thursday, the Bundestag debated again, in public the question, the TIME has ONLINE dedicated to one focus: To funds to pay the blood test for Down syndrome?

in The end it will go to the Down syndrome, when the Bundestag debated. The one of the members of the rampant control of the expectant life criticize the other stress that’ll have parents a right to know in the best way possible about the health of the unborn child know. But always will be only of trisomy 21, Down syndrome.

prenatal diagnosis has argues, the ethical debate is long since

Only: During the Bundestag in Germany are already testing the market, which can do a lot more. Tests that can detect from the blood of the mother and the genotype of the father to the tens, even hundreds of genetic and hereditary diseases with a high degree of accuracy. Soon, a few milliliters might be rich maternal blood to decode the entire genome of the Unborn. What the? The prenatal diagnosis has overtaken the ethical debate for a long time.

seven years Ago, the PraenaTest in Germany on the market, the first genetic investigation, an Embryo with Down’s syndrome in the blood of the expectant mother could see. Earlier than ever, from the ninth week, women can know since then, and whether your Unborn will come with this disability. But above all, a simple blood ranged collection. Invasive and risky procedures such as amniocentesis or sampling of umbilical cord blood were no longer the focus.

Meanwhile, the second Generation non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) in many women have become doctor’s offices Routine. The Bundestag debated. You can not only Down’s syndrome in the blood of the expectant mother to detect, but also the Patau (Trisome 13) and Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18) Both of these chromosomal disorders are not as common as Down’s syndrome, their consequences are typically more severe. They lead far more frequently than the Down-to-births syndrome to fail; the few children with trisomy 13 or 18 to the world, to have multiple physical abnormalities and mental disabilities. The least survive longer than a year.

Down syndrome What is trisomy 21?

trisomy 21 is the most common deviation of the number of chromosomes – occurs in about one out of 800 infants. Some Doctors and medical practitioners Down syndrome, denote, therefore, not as a disease but as an anomaly.

The cause of the anomaly is an error in the formation of the germ cells (sperm and egg). In the normal case, the person has the chromosomes of 23 pairs of chromosomes – 22 autosomes pairs plus two sex. During fertilization, the germ cells of the parents unite. These each lead to a single set of chromosomes, which merge to a double set. The first cell of the child therefore has a total of 46 chromosomes. In rare cases, the germ cell contains one chromosome more. In the case of each people, of forming germ cells, such random events. As soon as this unites with the germ cell of the other parent, produces a cell with 47 chromosomes. The extra chromosome is one of the no 21, a child with Down syndrome to the world.


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