Photo: TASS/Zuma
Great Argus, peacocks, crowned cranes, cockatoos and other birds that live in the Moscow zoo, started to do the mating dance. This is stated on the page of the zoo on Facebook.
As specified, it is associated with warming and the approach of spring.
“One of the first felt bird. For example, a great Argus started to actively take care of his partner and prepare for breeding Chicks. Their mating dance began to fulfill peacocks, are not far behind them and crowned cranes. The male cassowary began to look for a suitable place to nest, and formed pairs of white cockatoos and Guinea turaco period of courtship is in full swing,” – said in the message.
Earlier it was reported that pupils “of Russian foxes Home” predicted weather in the spring in the capital region. It is noted that changes in pubescence Fox says that cold weather in the capital region can not wait. At the same time, the animals continue to gain weight. This suggests that Moscow warming will be soon.
About the reasons for the unusually warm winter, said the scientific Director of the hydrometeorological center of Russia Roman Vilfand. He noted that this temperature regime is caused by air masses from the Atlantic, which displaced the cold air from Siberia.
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