“We are writing the next Chapter,” said Werner M. Bahlsen hopeful, as he handed over last year, the daily business of a Manager-Quartet. This short in front of the 130-year anniversary of the company from Hannover (1. July), with a Image risk would start, could not imagine the 70-Year-old there. Taken aback, he had in may with a view, as ill-considered Statements of his daughter Verena fierce discussions about the treatment of the Bahlsen forced labourers during the Second world war triggered. Today, he says: “the history of The forced labourers do not work at Bahlsen, was a mistake – we have learned from it.”

The external and independent reappraisal of the history of the course – everything will come to the table: “We are committed to absolute transparency; I have announced and I stand by it”, he protested. To celebrate Bahlsen is not in the mood. “We have invited five years ago, all employees around the world to Hannover and our 125-year anniversary celebrated; this year, no celebrations are held.”

media report Bahlsen-in-chief talks about forced labourers-Expression: “Verena’s statement was a mistake”

forced the workers, under the heiress Verena Bahlsen had the “image” to a question after the former forced labourers in the company, said: “it was before my time and we have paid the forced workers in the same way as the Germans and treated well.” The remark had not only called forth in social media outraged reactions. Shortly thereafter, Bahlsen has apologized for their Statements, and an error is spoken. But the Name Bahlsen suddenly stood not only for Leibniz-Keks and Pick-up bars. The göttingen Professor Manfred Grieger aims to shed light on with an independent team of experts the company’s history in the Nazi era. “We have moved as a company and as a family, this will have an impact; we want to know not only what happened, but also talk about what Lessons we draw from it,” says Bahlsen.

Expansion: The debate falls into a realignment, with the help of the tradition of biscuit and confectionery manufacturers rich by 2025, a doubling of its annual turnover of approximately 560 million euros is aiming for. The group is focusing on new products, new packaging concepts, and a fresher Design, as well as increased focus on Brand presentation in advertising. “Today’s time is similarly exciting as the green currently, with many changes and new opportunities”, Werner M. Bahlsen convinced. He considers nutrition to be one of the most exciting topics of the future. New materials, technical developments and new sales channels to prepare the way.

biscuit heiress Who is Verena Bahlsen and why they played down Nazi forced labor? Daniel Bakir

history: Trends of tomorrow to a reason for the success of Bahlsen was felt. At the beginning of the company founder, Hermann Bahlsen, the on 1. In July 1889 a bakery in Hanover founded, from the Bahlsen biscuit factory and the famous Leibniz-went biscuit out. As a person who has traveled with open eyes and a sense for opportunities in an exciting time in the world, describes him his grandson. “Resourceful at Finding” he had been, says Werner M. Bahlsen, and stresses: “He was the first who used the Assembly line in industrial production.” The mobility was a big part in the Bahlsen offered the Packed, hard pastries for on-the-go, as the first rail passengers from Hannover from their trips began. The Trend to Snacks for on-the-go Bahlsen currently uses for his bars. The biscuit Empire from Hanover claimed for themselves, the first salt bars to have in Germany.

The Bahlsen biscuit hangs again Happy ending with 52 teeth DPA

Golden biscuit: The curious theft of a 20-pound, gold-plated brass biscuit – of the for 100 years the Bahlsen headquarters in hung – made 2013 headlines worldwide. The theft is considered today as an important part of the brand’s history. The Golden biscuit is a kind of monument for the year-long turnover driver, the Hanover universal genius Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz named Golden-brown crunchy biscuit with 52 teeth. He is considered to be one of the first brand products of Germany. The biscuit Bahlsen had copied it once successfully in England. At the time, for German connoisseurs of hard-to-pronounceable Name “Cakes” was Germanized to “biscuit”.

Ralf E. Krüger / DPA


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