No secrets from family

Robbie Williams (46, “Angels” ) has often been noticed in the past for an extreme lifestyle and addiction problems. But at least since his marriage to Ayda Field (41), the singer seems to have come to rest. He has left his old life behind. Their four children do not know anything about their father’s wild past. But when the time is right, she will tell the truth, Field reveals in an interview with the British “Sun”.

“We’ll just point and scream at him, call him an evil man, and leave the past behind,” Field says. However, the eldest daughter Theodora (born 2012) is already very interested in her father’s previous life. “Teddy has seen Robbie several times in old videos and asked: ‘Mom, did he meet someone else before you?’ I had to say, ‘Yes, Teddy, he did.’ answer. “Of course, she still has no idea how many women her father really went out with, Field explains. “But we will have to talk about Papa’s past, Papa’s drugs, and Papa’s dates at some point.”

For them that is not a problem at all. “I will obviously be an angel in comparison. That’s fine with me. ”Robbie Williams and Ayda Field have been married since 2010. Daughter Theodora “Teddy” Rose was born in 2012, son Charlton Valentine was born in 2014. Daughter Colette Josephine followed in 2018 and Beau Benedict Enthoven in 2024. The latter two were carried out by a surrogate mother.



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