The United States have known to the chief of the Austrian “Identity”, Martin Sellner, be a long-term visa. The US authorities had informed him about a “Background Check” (Check), said the 30-Year-old in Vienna.

Against the rights of the “Identitarian movement”, which is, among other things, against “uncontrolled mass immigration”, on suspicion of involvement in a terrorist group determined.

The suspected bomber of new Zealand, is said to have shot in two mosques, 50 people had donated to the organization at the beginning of 2018 1500 Euro. Not least because of this connection, the Austrian government is considering a ban on the “Identitary”. Sellner, whose fiancee lives in the US, criticised the withdrawal of the visa.

In social media, the step was commented: “Very funny: If it hits him, he is no longer the cadres of the “Identitarian” then all of a sudden however, for border controls and entry ban for foreigners.”



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