History 14/03/20 As the Germans used Soviet children-spies against the Soviet Union
In 1944 the Supreme command of the German air force, Hitler youth, the Ministry for the occupied Eastern territories and the Main office of the SS concluded an agreement about how to attract “youth from the East”. It was assumed that young people will be assistants in the Luftwaffe and artillery troops.
Before the Second World war
International humanitarian law additional protocols to the Geneva conventions of 1949 prohibits the participation in armed conflicts adolescents younger than 15 years. A law adopted in 1977, but before the advent of such standards participation in the war of children and adolescents was common. It is known that children participated in the great Patriotic war as guerrillas. A widespread solution was the concept of “son of the regiment” – children who remained without parents.
Before the outbreak of war in 1939, the Nazis set a goal – to control Russian emigre youths. So it was created the national organization of Russian youth(NORMS) in Germany under the leadership of Sergei Taboritska – immigrant, joined the Nazis. “Normalcy” wore uniforms – blouses black color with shoulder straps. STANDARDS consisted of boys and girls under 16 years. Gradually, the organization grew: Teens Russian Christian movement in Prague and Brno, Lorraine, Belgrade and other European cities. The main objective of “Normativ” – ideological study of teenagers from the Soviet Union.
After the outbreak of the Second World
In 1941, the rationale for the involvement of Soviet children to perform sabotage missions wrote Fritz Bolz, captain of the Sonderkommando “Moscow”. It said that German agents poorly disguised cover documents are worthless. And strengthening of the subversive activities proposed to “improve the tools, tactics and methods of committing acts of sabotage and stealth masking the performers themselves”. One of the areas “improve tactics” was to draw Russian children aged 10 to 16 years. Boltzmann wrote that for the training of saboteurs in less time, as in Russia they have no documents, street kids and it was a lot, so the appearance young spies will be invisible.
Under the guise of “Russian liberation army” Bolz planned to mobilize a team of 40 people. It was supposed to be physically healthy adolescents. The training lasted a month, during this time, the guys have mastered explosives, topography, skydiving and training. The training was in Germany, in the estate of Bolza, Emporte. The deadline set for the end of August 1943. Then when abwehrgroups created a “special team Gemport”, which consisted of 5 scouts. The head of the team was Evtukhovich Yuri (the legend Yuri Rostov-Belomorin). In February 1944 the group was included in the submission to the Gestapo.
Operations at the end of 1943
Evtukhovich in less than two years (June 1943 – January 1945) have over 110 Teens. The first operation took place on the transport unit, the Rzhev-Tula-Kursk. The young saboteurs were food, vodka, sugar and coal, which in fact had explosives. The first group detained SMERSH, and all the children of the second group returned.
Children caught SMERSH were sent to a penal colony. 21 September 1943, arrested 28 children-the agents of 14-16 years of age in the rear of the Soviet Union. The group was transferred to the German planes to reconnaissance tank and artillery units, for subversive activities and open telephone wires.
the Exact number of attacks is difficult to determine, but it is possible to say that the hopes of the Fritz Bolza justified.
the Fate of those arrested were solved: colony, exhausting work, no prospects in the future.
Himmler’s assistants
In March 1944, the Main administration of the Luftwaffe and the Wehrmacht General staff put forward a proposal to the Ministry of the Eastern territories to recruit 25 thousand people for service in aviation. In addition to the aircraft was supposed to hpart recruit teenagers to send in ground troops. Later the assistants of the Luftwaffe and air defense became “pupils of SS”. Now “young SS” was subordinate to Heinrich Himmler.
In 1944 it was raised 28 thousand boys and girls from the territory of the USSR and the Baltic States. The pupils of the SS wore the dark blue uniform of the Hitler youth on the right sleeve they wore the armband with a white-blue-red flag. On the flag was superimposed rhombus, inside of which entered St. Andrew’s cross. The recruitment of young people was carried out by special services of the Wehrmacht. For propaganda it was said that recruitment is “peaceful in nature”, to save homeless. The Nazis made the Russian-speaking posters that urged “to go along with the SS”. “Normalcy” also took part in promoting the entry into the ranks of the SS.
the Nazis were active propaganda by means of leaflets and posters. They argued that we must fight against Bolshevism as the most dangerous enemy of mankind, pressed on the feelings of teenagers. Turned the history of the Soviet Union turned on its head, writing about the “blood” of the 1930-ies, exhibited Lenin and Stalin as the murderers of the Russian people. The pupils of the SS promised good nutrition, housing benefits, uniforms and wages. Also offered help to European integration. The Berlin emigrant newspaper printed materials about “the pupils of SS” as a new stratum of the German people. Of course, that immature minds couldn’t understand where the false information and where to find the truth. Scared hungry orphans went on “saving call” Nazis.
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