![As in Alaska, the first Russian As in Alaska, the first Russian](https://www.ilawjournals.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/as-in-alaska-the-first-russian-696x488.jpg)
History 07/03/20 As in Alaska, the first Russian
According to the “accepted” version of history, the colonization of Alaska by Russian people began in the second half of the XVIII century. However, there is evidence that these same “settlers” was found in Alaska with the descendants of Russians who settled on the Peninsula centuries earlier.
information about the “white people” in Alaska
In 1741, during the voyage to the Northwest coast of America in the ships of V. Bering and A. I. Chirikov in the fog parted. “St. Paul” under command of Chirikov stuck to the mainland, caught by the shore of the American continent. Two boats sent for water, gone along with people. Chirikov sailed back home.
In 1742, Jakob Lindenau, a member of the Second Kamchatka expedition, said he received from the Chukchi data on settlements of white people lying on the other side of the Bering Strait. In 1764, baptized Koryak Nikolai Daurkin, he said, seen on the Alaska bearded men praying in the Church as Russian. And in 1779, a Cossack officer, males received similar information from Aleut elders on the island of Ratmanov in the Bering Strait and even sent him to these mysterious people in Kangawa (as that place was called Aleut) welcome letter, the fate of which is unknown.
In 1784, the first Chapter of the Russian American company (CANCER) G. I. Shelikhov established a colony on Kodiak island off the coast of Alaska. In subsequent years, other settlements on the coast of Alaska and on nearby Islands. One of the partners in the Shelikof 1788, met at the beach a bearded fair-haired people who were considered missing sailors from the “St. Paul” or their descendants. However, he was unable to talk to them, so where did they come from – remains a mystery.
In 1795, the venerable Herman of Alaska, led the first Orthodox mission on the American continent, wrote that he had heard about living somewhere in aljyske Russian people. The monk thought they were Novgorodians, who had fled from the wrath of Tsar Ivan the terrible in 1570-71 he don’t know on what he based his assumption.
the Expedition and the Fort CANCER in the first half of the XIX century, has repeatedly received information from the Indians, Aleuts and Eskimos about some bright, bearded people praying as Russian, have settled somewhere in Alaska. However, to meet them the new Russian colonists never once failed.
In 1937 the American archaeological expedition discovered somewhere in Alaska the remains of settlements dated to the XVI century and it is identified as Russian. In 1944, in one of the American scientific journals, an article appeared T. Farrelly, which proves that this settlement was founded by the Novgorod people.
Long before the expeditions of Bering and Chirikov, Russian was aware of the presence of a large land in front of Chukotka. This land was designated on the maps of Vladimir Atlasova (1696), “Yakut map” (1711), the map of the Yakut nobleman Ivan Lviv (1736). In 1732 Mikhail Gvozdev on the boat “St. Gabriel” landed on the coast of Alaska.
Theoretically not impossible that some of the brave Russian sailors could long before the beginning of active Russian colonization of Siberia in the XVII century to sail far to the East along the coast of the Arctic ocean and even reach America. Ancient Novgorod established a settlement on Vaygach island in the tenth century, in the XII century penetrated to the East of the Ural mountains, at the mouth of the Ob.
In Yakutia, at the mouth of the Indigirka river, since time immemorial, there is a village Russian Mouth. According to local legend, it was founded in 1570 by the Pomors. This year, by the way, Ivan the terrible and his Oprichniki undertook a punitive expedition against Novgorod. Russian-Ostiense mingled with the natives, but retained the old North Russian dialect and the Orthodox faith of the old rite. It can be assumed that some of the migrants remained in the Russian Mouth, and sailed on to the East and EXTrales to Alaska.
Some authors suggest that a colony of Novgorod in Alaska could not be founded in the XVI and XV century – a hundred years before the estimated date. And the flight of a group of Novgorod could be called salvation from the atrocities of the Oprichnina, and the annexation of Novgorod to the Moscow state, accompanied by numerous rapes, plundering and deportations of the population of the Novgorod land. It could be freethinkers, followers of the so-called heresy “Judaizers” brutally defeated by Ivan III in the late XV – the early XVI century. Proponents of this version point to how, according to Durkin, the descendants of these colonists were called the Yukon river in Alaska – Hebron, seeing the Association with the biblical name.
According to the testimony of agents of CANCER and later ethnographers, Alaska in the nineteenth century among the natives there were many people who carried obvious features of the European race, which could not be explained just begun CANCER colonization of this land.
However, all of this is just speculation, against whom there are serious reasons. Thus, excavated by the Americans “Russian” settlement was then predatirovaniya and reinterpreted as a settlement of the Aleuts of the eighteenth century. And the items are of Russian origin could get there as a result of barter with the Russians, which appeared in the Chukotka region in the XVII century.
Here, however, there is an interesting nuance. Article about the Russian settlement of the XVI century in Alaska Americans published in 1944, when our countries were allies. In the future, “the cold war” could impose an imprint on the scientific findings of the Americans for political reasons declined from the previous versions. Some of the two interpretations is not exactly true (it is possible, however, that both), but not necessarily the first.
the Natives of Alaska were extremely hostile towards the Russian, who arrived there in the eighteenth century. Fifteen people from the crew Chirikov lost on the shore without a trace. CANCER immediately met with fierce resistance, and its first ShaKi-on exploration of Alaska was marked by the mass extermination of the natives, attackers on Russian settlements. If that was the attitude of the local Indians and Aleuts to the aliens, how could a foothold there in the XVI century Novgorod, a small group of fugitives?
However, and this may be the explanation. For aboriginal to CANCER is strongly influenced by their prior contacts with the expeditions of svetopropuskanie flying in Alaska in the decades before the Foundation of the CANCER. These hunters do not stand on ceremony with the local population and they could bring their hate to white. In addition to Aleuts and Indians certainly got some lead from the Chukchi, with whom the Russians were constantly at war during the second half of the seventeenth and the greater part of the eighteenth century. In the XVI century, such sentiments among the natives of Alaska still is not where it to take.
the question of the existence in Alaska earlier than XVIII century Russian colony (not necessarily in Novgorod, and not necessarily from the XVI or XV century) should be considered open.
Yaroslav Butakov
© Russian Seven
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