History 20/03/20 As Hitler’s troops stormed the fortress in 1939
the Brest fortress — a synonym of courage and self-sacrifice for every Russian. Its heroic defense in 1941 is described in all textbooks of history. But few know that the commander of the German army, Heinz Guderian stormed it twice, including from 14 to 17 September 1939. Two German divisions under his command, spoke out against the small Polish garrison defending Brest fortress.
the Truth about the Polish defense
At the time of the German offensive the number of troops the fortress was small. Trying to prevent a major threat from the East, the military leadership of Poland turned it into a logistical facility, making, in fact, a huge barracks. There were deployed three infantry divisions, which contained regiments from Biala Podlaski, Brest, Kobryn and Pinsk, and a separate cavalry brigade.
just a week before the start of the siege, they were transferred to the front, and in the Fort left only a few guards and marching units. According to various sources, there were from 2,500 to 4,000 soldiers, who had 36 tanks, “Reno”, 8 antiaircraft guns and 18 field guns. Garrison gave under the command of General Konstantin Plisovsky – the personnel officer of the tsarist army, which urgently returned to the same system, abolishing his resignation.
Heinz Guderian knew that the forces are unequal, so we were expecting at once to force the enemy to capitulate. However, the brave defenders of the fortress thoroughly prepared, allowing for four days they were able to contain the numerous attacks of the invaders. Before the onset of the poles had to dig trenches full profile and to dig into the ground for the tanks attacks, mined the entrances to the castle, equipped with slots for machine guns.
the Storming of the Brest fortress
the Assault began on 14 September at dawn. Intending to suppress resistanceotulinie, Guderian sent to the fortress only one tank regiment and a reconnaissance battalion. The main forces were directed to Brest – the city with the East and North if taken in armored mites. The Nazis were moving so fast that I slipped some small towns on the move and severed railway communication.
However, hopes of a German General did not materialize. Poorly armed scattered units managed to repel the attack, showing remarkable ingenuity and courage. Even a powerful artillery support did not help the Nazis. Destroying half the Polish tanks, the enemy army was still forced to retreat under fierce fire of the defenders.
So the first attempt failed Guderian to gain control over the fortress. For a long time fearing to get caught up in the siege, September 15, he decided to change tactics. As reinforcements were called infantry. From early morning until late evening Brest fortress was exhausted under artillery fire, sometimes there were fierce melee combat. Heavy shells destroyed many barracks and walls, but the defenders were unharmed, hiding in the dungeons. The attack again failed. The stubborn resistance of the brave Polish soldiers did not break any of the art nor the air strikes.
on 16 September the Germans began to attack strictly military science, alternating artillery attacks with infantry. The defenders of the fortress turned German pedantry in their favor. Waiting for a gun firing under thick arches, with the appearance on the battlefield infantry they immediately back to the trenches.
to obtain an advantage in the battle, the Nazis used all methods available to you. Their commanders tried to motivate the soldiers to go on the attack immediately after the fire shaft of the artillery attack, but it worked badly. Guderian personally was in the advanced divisions, while his adjutant at that time already mortally wounded. All the efforts of the Germans were in vain – they suffered huge losses, but again took the Brest fortress.
the retreat of the Polish soldiers
on the Evening of 16 September, runsspruce defense Plisovsky decided to stop resistance and retreat, while the Germans did not cut off our only escape route. The night the soldiers that were still able to walk, left the fortress and went to Terespol. The garrison was covered by the bomb squad and a marching battalion of infantry. It was planned that by blowing up the bridge and mined the road, they join the main forces.
the Decision was rational and surprisingly timely. From 14 to 17 September 1939, the poles recaptured seven infantry attacks, which has lost more than 40% of people. Constantine Plesovskiy was wounded by shrapnel and was left without communication with the command. During the retreat of the defenders have repeatedly encountered the vanguard of Nazi divisions and was engaged in numerous skirmishes with patrols. The road is almost completely blocked: we have little time to leave would be nowhere.
on the Morning of 17 September, the Nazis entered the citadel. They captured about 1000 soldiers and officers, the remainder due to serious injuries. Information about losses of invaders themselves have not survived. Perhaps they are simply not believed, or the archives with the numbers destroyed during the storm. To make a rough idea about the Nazis inflicted damage can the report of one regiment of the motorized division. It was stated that only 15 September killed more than 130 and injured about 230 people from the.
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