History 23/03/20 As Denikin suppressed the resistance of the Chechens in the Civil war
in the Spring of 1919 in Chechnya is extremely unpleasant for the White army situation. Chechnya has become a hotbed of separatism and Bolshevism. To solve the problem was entrusted to General Denikin.
the Situation
By the spring of 1919 in Chechnya, there was a very unpleasant situation for White. Yes, they took Grozny on 23 January, but still in Chechnya has been a very strong Bolshevik propaganda and many Chechens with red Commissars continued to resist.
to Suppress Chechnya only by military force was impossible, because the fronts were restless. A large part of the White army were busy in important areas and relocate units was not possible.
to Solve the situation with Chechnya was entrusted to General Denikin. The task before them was difficult. Red worked time, leave a serious hotbed of separatism and Bolshevism in the set alight was impossible, it was necessary to extinguish it. But how?
Pushkin was killed in battle
the First tried to “beat” the Chechens General Shatila, he held several operations, but they were not successful, and the Shatila was wounded in battle. In his post he was replaced by Colonel Pushkin. Colonel Pushkin was killed in battle.
I had to drastically change tactics. Did it who had taken it for major-General Daniel Dratsenko (pictured). Given the experience of previous operations, it is understood that the use of suppression of enemy conventional military techniques that are good on the front will be incorrect. He has developed his operation to crush the Chechens.
Tactics Dratsenko
Dratsenko realized that in order to defeat the Chechens, it is necessary to understand them, so the first thing he found several “experts” from among the elders, and learned from them not only the psychology of the Chechens, but also the alignment of forces in the Chechen society.
Dratsenko have also studied the system of Chechen clans, learned that the Chechen society is not uniform.
For the Chechens it was not a Civil war, and certainly not a national war. It was a war of “neighbour”. The main confrontation was between the Chechen and Terek Cossacks. They had their territorial and proprietary scores. Chechen “intellectuals” also said at the meeting that “the movement of the Chechens cannot be considered as a phenomenon of Bolshevism, for the highlanders, as Muslims, are inherently hostile atheistic communism.”
a Certain cognitive dissonance experienced “white”, for example, when observed in binoculars, as is the Bolshevik gathering, which flashed green Islamic flags and red Bolshevik. For one such Congress before the beginning of the operation Dratsenko “white” watched through binoculars from the village of Eugene. About the same time preserving the memory: “This case is very significant, he characterizes the Chechens not only as good Muslims, deeply honoring of the truth of the Qur’an, but also able to rally under the red flag listening to speeches of the representative of the godless international.”
Denikin in Chechnya commemorated still. A tactic used in combat General Dratsenko was to raze it to the ground literally a few villages facing the river Sunzha, and then to withdraw back to negotiate.
the First was the village of Alkhan-Yurt. The Chechens resisted, but the onset of the Kuban Plastun battalion, cavalry and artillery was so neprekoslovnoe that the village fell. White burned everything can burn, destroy everything that can destroy, no prisoners were taken, but several Chechens were released – so they said “how can it be”. In the battle killed more than 1,000 Chechens. Denikin made it clear that he was not joking.
the next day Dratsenko attacked and burned the village of Valerik. This time the resistance was weaker.
the Congress
11 APR 1919 in Grozny was held a Congress which Denikin stated their terms of peace. Despite the fact that some requirements were expressed extremely ultimatemcqs (give machine guns and artillery, to return the stolen property) most of the Chechens agreed with them. At the meeting with Denikin was also the English representative Briggs. The role ogranichilisj the fact that he assured the Chechens that “foreigners” on the side of the White (whatever may be asserted red propaganda).
Some of the villages, however, and after Congress resisted. Tsotsin-Yurt and Gudermes resisted, but were suppressed Dratsenko with the whole rigidity.
Denikin managed to change the balance of power in Chechnya, but a year later will come here again Red, and white generals soon emigrate. Some, like General Dratsenko, after 20 years, will become the officers of the Wehrmacht.
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