Biography 26/02/20 As Beria was revenge for a slap in the face to the actress Eugenia Garkushe
it was one of the brightest Actresses of the national cinema. Unfortunately, she managed to play only in 2 pictures. Once at the reception Evgenia at all humiliated the Beria. This slap broke the life of the actress, her husband, mother and only daughter.
a Successful actress, wife and mother
Eugene A. Garkusha was born in 1915 in the city on the Neva. Her father was an agronomist and her mother is an accountant. But their daughter decided to become an actress. In the 1920s the family moved to Kiev, where Eugene graduated from high school and then drama school at the local drama theater. In 1939 Garkusha was invited to the filming of “the Fifth ocean”. It was after this film story, the actress began to learn on the streets. Got to know her and hydrobiologist, academician Pyotr Shirshov. Subsequently, the Shirshov Garkusha and got married.
at First, the life of the spouses was great. Pyotr Shirshov received a very enviable post of people’s Commissar of the Navy. Garkusha starred in yet another film “Elusive Jan” and settled in the theatre of Mossovet. In 1944, Evgenia gave birth to a daughter Marina. However, after one year everything collapsed.
the Arrest for slapping
In 1946, at a reception at the spectacular Evgeny Garkusha-Shirshov drew the attention of Lavrenti Beria, who was a renowned womanizer. According to the daughter of the actress, Marina, Beria began to stick to her mother, and she, without thinking, slapped him across the face. Few weeks to the country, which at the time was Evgenia, your car has arrived the Minister of state security Viktor Abakumov. Abakumov said Garkusha waiting for the rehearsal, and he volunteered to drive her. Artist, suspecting nothing, got into the car.
on arrival at the Lubyanka Garkushe announced that it arrested on suspicion of spying for England, and has also accused the actress during the war, not pokhave idala Moscow because they were waiting for the arrival of the Germans. Evgenia Alexandrovna execution threatened for agitation to overthrow the government and treason. At this time spouse Garkusha even had no idea about where to be an actress. He lost his legs, looking for her. And when found, began to knock on all the doors.
the Death of actress
As told to Marina Shirshova, her father was able through friends to get even to Stalin. However, the leader shrugged, “We’ll find him another wife.” In the documentary “Arrested No 13” Marina Petrovna remembered that once Shirshov, being before convinced Stalinist, broke the portrait of the leader of the country from the wall and trampled it underfoot. However, largely thanks to the persistence of grief-stricken people’s Commissar, articles Eugene Garkusha changed and sent into exile for 8 years. However ago, she never came back.
In 1948, the 33-year-old Evgeny Garkusha-Shirshov died in the Magadan region, where he was incarcerated. The circumstances of her death still raise more questions than answers. Although Irina Mudrova, in his book “the Great love story. 100 stories about the great sense” says that the actress was poisoned with sleeping pills.
Together with the artist on the settlement she lived and her mother, who did not live rehabilitation daughter, held in 1956. Didn’t, and Pyotr Shirshov. He died in 1953 from cancer. As for the Marina Shirshova, she never knew the caress of his mother, and when her father, the girl was only 8 years old.
Yulia Popova
© Russian Seven
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