The room in which the cutter Kuku Arora welcomes its customers, has no window. Anyone who comes here, in the heart of the metropolis of Delhi, for the fitting, must first, by a very spacious dining room. At noon you can hear from there, bright voices. “Ah, the children come home from school,” says Arora.

“How many children do you have?”

“there are Currently 267.”

Arora smiles, as if this was normal.

“Two and 265 of the road.”

Kuku Arora is living the life of a typical Indian middle-class as self-employed. His wife Priti is a city-guide. He goes out with friends to the gym. The family would be financially quite well – were it not for the children.

fill the entire dining room. And at the open door to the staircase further passing currents: To the children of Mr hosts are, Arora furnished be roof. Here, too, the tables are now double and triple occupied.

“to have a Chance at a better life”

Aroras tailoring has just a few employees. It is located in one of the simpler area of Delhi. Slums and middle-class Apartments, are closely intertwined. On the front it smells like a small exhaust car, in the backyard, to misery.

The Foundation’s star supported the “Sunshine Project” in Delhi.

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Aroras tailoring the bridge between these two worlds. His street children he has with his wife of now 28 schools registered with school uniforms and books furnished. At noon, you will be provided with a warm meal, Volunteers help them with their homework. Only in the evening they return back to their families in the Slum. “I don’t want to take away the parents of the children,” says Arora. “But I want you to have a Chance at a better life.”

it all Started in the year 2002. There’s a little girl fell to Arora, the left Hand was missing. The small Roshni was maybe two years old, he estimates. You begging in front of a cinema in the neighborhood. He and his wife began to bring regularly something to eat. to be able to


Kuku Arora with his wife, Priti: more street children, has furnished the couple with the roof of his house

©Jan Boris wintzen castle star

But one day, she was gone. Kuku and Priti found it on a busy main road, they had been sent there because there was more to beg. The Aroras made a Deal with the homeless parents: they paid Roshni training, health care and food. The parents let you go to school.

German flight attendant brings the help

“after a few days, 16 more street children, who had heard of Roshni came,” says Arora. “And it’s always been.” The children came to the end of his financial resources, but the Aroras made.

help came through the German flight attendant Julia Hillebrecht, the landed randomly in Aroras tailoring. Since then, she collects donations for his “Sunshine Project” and arranges sponsorship. There is already the “Sunshine”-children who work as teachers, Doctors or managers – and help the next Generation of children.

Kuku Arora wants to continue: “We still find children on the street, don’t know how old you are or how you are hot,” he says. “I just want you to have a happy Childhood.”


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