History 29/02/20 BloombergКак “betrayal” of Gorbachev ended the “cold war”
From 2 to 3 December 1989 on the Mediterranean island of Malta hosted a meeting of leaders of the USSR and the USA Michael Gorbachev and George Bush senior. The summit is considered the end of the cold war and political confrontation between the two countries. In the process of negotiations, Gorbachev went on a huge concessions, which provided military and political dominance of the United States throughout the world, and the Soviet Union lost political influence.
Gorbachev promised Bush
In his speech, General Secretary Gorbachev stated: “the World is leaving one epoch and entering a new… Is the way to an era of lasting peace…” and assured President Bush that I will never start a war against the United States. One of the participants of the summit on the Soviet side, Alexander Yakovlev recalled that the restructuring they broke not only communism, but the millennial model of Russian history.
In the process of negotiations, Gorbachev said to the President of America, about the rejection of the “Brezhnev doctrine”. Thus, the Soviet Union no longer interfere in the Affairs of the countries of the Socialist bloc, and troops stationed in Europe, will be withdrawn and the Soviet Union agree to die for Germany. These steps Gorbachev went without the sanction of the Politburo of the Communist party, which considered this scenario, only the dissolution of NATO and the countries of the Warsaw Pact.
the Secretary General has promised not to use force to fight the separatists in the Baltics, and also agreed to reduce offensive weapons. In response to the disarmament and the delivery of strategic bridgeheads in Eastern Europe from his American colleagues, Gorbachev had a verbal support of the course of perestroika, the Soviet Union and the promise to stop the amendment of Jackson-Venika limiting the sale of advanced technology in socialist countries. The way the United States has canceled it only after 20 years.
Treachery or weakness
the Famous writer and thinker Alexander Zinoviev was I am sure that Malta was a betrayal. Gorbachev consciously refused geopolitical conquests of the Second world war, paid millions of lives. The crisis of the Soviet system can be overcome by the improvements existing in the country system, and instead, Gorbachev sought recognition of the West. The worse things went in the country, the big concessions he was going.
Western politicians have noted the weakness of the Secretary General in foreign policy. In his book “Diplomacy,” the American diplomat Henry Kissinger recalled, Gorbachev declared at the UN that the Soviet Union would reduce the army by 500 thousand people and 10 thousand tanks. After the speech, he plaintively said that he hopes for reciprocal steps the United States and Western Europe.
the political Scientist Anatoly Gromyko is sure, Malta, Americans in all respects beat Gorbachev. US Ambassador to the USSR Jack Matlock after the summit said that Gorbachev had to see that he is in talks with Bush on an equal footing, and not as a defeated enemy. Americans respect power, and blow dust into the eyes of the Secretary General failed. Years later in an interview with TASS Mikhail Gorbachev concluded that the U.S. position comes the danger in the world.
the Results of the Malta summit
According to political scientist Andrey Baranov from the Mediterranean island of Gorbachev and his entourage left with a pile of verbal promises, and the United States have achieved all that we planned. A year later they, along with allies struck Iraq, fearing the reaction of the former geopolitical enemy. Few weeks the Bush administration has announced its willingness to mediate in the negotiations of Moscow not only with the countries of the Warsaw Pact, but also from Vilnius.
Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia have received U.S. support, have stepped up their actions to secede from the Union, and went after them and the rest of the Republic. The Americans were amazed at what concessions was the Soviet leader. May 30, 1990, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev arrived in the United States, where he was greeted as a hero. In one interview he said that in the United States Fet yourself at home, and then isolated from its schedule four hours for acceptance of awards from different organizations. In the same 1990 Mikhail Gorbachev was given the Nobel peace prize.
In 1992, the last General Secretary and first President of the USSR received a gift from Reagan’s cowboy hat, which gladly took pictures. Political scientist Sergei Chernyakhovsky noticed that Gorbachev was very happy hat American shepherds, which actually was a fool’s cap.
Alexander Brazhnik
© Russian Seven
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