Argentina wants to push the hand of Mexico a shaft progressive to Latin America. Convince Andrés Manuel López Obrador is a actively to this company is the main reason for the first trip of Alberto Fernández as president-elect of the south american country. Fernandez will meet this Monday with the mexican head of state, whom he sees as an ally to strengthen in the region to the forces of the left, desnortadas after years of setbacks, and the authoritarian excesses of Venezuela and that, after the protests in various countries, and the triumph of both, have achieved something of oxygen. Fernandez is confident that Lopez Obrador to join also the Group of Puebla, a center of recent creation involving thirty politicians and the president-elect argentine has helped to shape.
the first trip to the outside of the leader peronist is to Mexico and not Brazil allows you to catch a glimpse of what will be the priorities of the new Government in foreign policy. The relationship that Fernandez stays with Jair Bolsonaro is terrible, to the point that the representative brazilian said that the argentine had “chosen poorly” and that he was not prepared to greet the new president. Argentina and Brazil are partners in Mercosur and their economic dependency obliges them to be understood.
Alberto Fernandez is imposed on Mauricio Macri and will be the next president of Argentina Bolsonaro critica voters argentines by giving the victory to the peronist Fernández Trump Fernandez: “I have instructed the IMF to work with Argentina,”
Fernandez feels that everything will be easier with López Obrador. On the one hand, will gain an ally ideological to relieve the tension with Bolsonaro. In addition, in Buenos Aires, attributed to López Obrador a good relationship with Donald Trump and rely on that the mexican president may be a kind of mediator between Argentina and the International Monetary Fund in the negotiations between the two. Not to arrive at a good port, Mexico would also be an ally, even more so if the economy of the north american country continues to fall. Lopez Obrador has devoted a good part of his first year in office to give up for dead the neoliberal model in the country and on more than one occasion, the style team has blamed the markets drift downward of the economy of your country.
The bet Fernandez, however, is found in advance with an obstacle: the foreign policy is not a priority for López Obrador, who do not go out of the country since two years ago and, now as president, has refused to attend the G-20 summit or the UN General Assembly. The president-elect of Argentina will have the support of the chancellor mexican, Marcelo Ebrard, who has erected a sort of head of State in the outside, as is the one who goes to all the acts on behalf of López Obrador.
The background of the visit of Fernandez to Mexico is also driving the Group from Puebla, a center of thought created in the past month of July, and composed by about thirty people, including presidents, excancilleres and american politicians. The author is the excandidato presidencial chilean Marco Enríquez-Ominami, very close to Fernandez, who has closely followed the conception of the group, which bears the name of the mexican city because there it held its first meeting. However, the role of the Government of Lopez Obrador in that quote was testimonial, hence that Fernandez will advocate this week by attaching it in a more active way. Sources of the Executive mexican state that, although it is not within the priorities of its foreign policy, calling them “interesting,” the initiative, which already involved the presidents of brazilian Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff; the ecuadorian Rafael Correa or the colombian Ernesto Samper. The only participant not Latin american, is the former president spaniard José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.
“We want to think about and articulate politically, to achieve consensus progressive regional. Consensus which would lead to social prosperity, to advance towards societies with market the market is an instrument, it is not the end,” says Enríquez-Ominami, who does not hide the joy for the fact that they have coincided in time two circumstances so favourable to their initiative as the triumph of Fernandez and the social protests in several countries of Latin America. “Conservative Governments have left more poor people, a social and economic inequalities, and societies that are more stressed before the indolence of these Governments against the injustices. For this reason, we feel that it is time to unite in the face of these challenges. Patience turns to contempt in the face of injustice,” added the political chilean.
The problems of Venezuela
The idea that circulates between the argentine members of the Group of Puebla is that of creating a shaft latinoamericano a Buenos Aires to Mexico City, which serve at once from a firewall to the excesses of Brasilia, and as an alternative “progressive” to the Pacific axis aligned with the united States. “A part of the solution is regional integration and that is why it is important link with Mexico that Mexico would look to the region and not only to their partners in the north. We must seek a higher approach. There is a predisposition and there are possibilities of further integration”, said Jorge Taiana, former foreign of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and member of the group. The background noise is always the same: Venezuela.
The argentines in the Group of Puebla considered that the Group of Lima continues to the united States in its policy of isolating Venezuela, “a policy that peronism is not considered to be successful.” “We are many in the region who believe that not solves the problems and leaves the door open to an intervention. All of us in the group we have a vision of respect for sovereignty and we think that the problems of Venezuela should be solved democratically by the venezuelan people,” says Taiana. “I aspire to the union of the whole region for you, that way, you find peace. It became clear that a parallel Government was not to any port. Help or assist is not the same as intervening. And therefore, we hope that the dialogues of the opposition and the Government, bear fruit. No one can be subtracted to an exit dialogue”, complete Enríquez-Ominami.
In this manner, Mexico enters again on the map peronist. Fernandez aims to emulate the position of López Obrador in Venezuela, that is to say, to defend the non-external interference in Venezuela —at least in the rhetoric, but also does not rule out becoming an actor instrumental in the search for a way out.
In any case, having a representative who has been elected as the president strengthens the role of Argentina in the group. The end of next week, Buenos Aires will receive at a hotel in the centre of the city the second meeting since the founding of July, which will be chaired by Alberto Fernández and the vice-president of Bolivia, Álvaro García Linera. Everything seems to indicate that there will be a document with general ideas about the need to contain the advance of neoliberalism, but all the attention will be on the debut of Fernandez as an articulator of space. “There is a reality that needs a redefinition. If the system does not give answers we have social unrest and it is our obligation to find a political way out. The elections in Argentina were an example of the output, because the crisis found some pipe in the idea of a change of policy”, said Taiana.