Photos: the Agency “Moscow”/Sophia Sangerska
anti-Doping Agency will be obliged to protect and ensure the confidentiality of whistleblowers on doping violations in 2024. About it reports Agency “Moscow” with reference to Deputy General Director of the Russian anti-doping Agency (RUSADA) Margarita Ponozky.
She explained that the world anti-doping code will be added a new paragraph 2.11, which relates to the protection of persons reporting doping violations, from the possible impact on them.
According to Ponikau, the protection of such people will involve a whole series of events, adding that the most important thing here is the guarantee of its confidentiality. However, she added that this condition may be waived only in the case if the notifier does not insist on it.
“These innovations are not based on the desire of someone to strain, and on the fact that all over the world a lot of violations are investigated thanks to reports from informants, so that all very natural and logical,” explained Pagnocca.
In December, 2019 the Executive Committee of the world anti-doping Agency for four years have deprived the Russian athletes the right to participate in international competitions with the national anthem and flag. It was about the world and continental Championships, and the Olympics and Paralympics.
in addition, the Russian civil servants and the leadership of the ROC and RCC are allowed to attend international sporting events.
For athletes from Russia remains a legal possibility to go to international competitions after a procedure of mandatory approval. To participate in the tournament allowed athletes will only be able in a neutral quality, without signs of belonging to Russia.
IN WADA stated that it took note of the decision RUSADA to challenge the verdict of the Executive Committee of the world organization adopted in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee on correspondence, in the court of arbitration for Sport (CAS).
World anti-doping Agency suspended the license of the Moscow laboratory
see also
RUSADA reacted to the doping scandal with the British sportsmenov sent to the CAS a statement of participation in the dispute between WADA and RUSADA