© Peter Endig/dpa

about 45000000 male Chicks are killed every year in Germany. (As of 2017)

cruelty to animals, but economically reasonable? Because of their breeding, not included, are killed each year millions of male Chicks directly after Hatching. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia, wanted to end this already years ago, and under the questionable practice said. Several hatcheries complained and sat down in front of the higher administrative court of Münster. This Thursday will now have to decide the Federal administrative court, whether the Killing of Chicks with the animal protection act is compatible. We clarify the most important questions.

All of the questions in the Overview: Why killed male Chicks? What is animal protection law? There are Alternatives, in which Chicks can’t be shredded? How to prevent the Ministry of agriculture of the Chicks to kill?
Why are eggs eaten with the male Chicks? What Animal protectionists and animal rights activists demand? What the poultry industry says?
What kind of judgment is expected?
Why killed male Chicks?

The state Ministry of economic Affairs, are killed each year, approximately 45 million male Chicks. They are bred in Farms in the incubator and serve the breed of hens that lay many eggs. From the perspective of enterprises, the killing of the brother is not a chick it is necessary to be economical because you can put as your female sibling eggs. At the same time you put in, as a rule, less meat, and are therefore not suitable from the point of view of the hatcheries for the Mast. You can practically sell it, argue the poultry breeders. Therefore, they are smothered most in accordance with the Hatch and then shredded.

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What is animal protection law?

“Nobody may cause pain to an animal without reasonable cause, Suffering or damage” in clause 1 of the animal protection act. According to Clause 17 shall be punished accordingly with imprisonment of up to three years or with a fine, anyone who kills a vertebrate animal “without reasonable cause”. From the standpoint of Animal protectionists and animal rights activists would have to be excluded in order for the chick shredding. However, the limitation “without reasonable cause” in the text of the law allows the companies to apply the practice to continue. The higher administrative court of Münster, 2016 decided in favour of the poultry farmers saw such a reason that the rearing of the male Chicks was uneconomical. In the revision proceedings before the Federal administrative court this is now clear again.

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there Are Alternatives, in which Chicks are not shredded?

Some firms and firms the male chick’s life and draw them as broilers. With the brother rooster Initiative of the Chicks to survive, so first of all, from a normal laying hen line. Because they do, but less meat, and less weight on the scales than ordinary broilers, rearing more expensive. The Mast of the taps is funded by the sale of the non-incubated eggs of laying hens. These eggs are then in the supermarket for a few cents more expensive than conventional or even organic eggs. The brother can be valves but with raised. This cost more not want to wear a lot of farms but, because they are no longer able to offer the meat of the male animals of the low prices, like specialized fattening their animals for fattening. A large part of the industry rejects this way.

A similar principle applies to dual-purpose chickens. Here are breeds that have been bred from the outset exclusively either primarily for the production of eggs or meat production, but for both. Both female and male animals are reared. However, two chicken-hens sometimes less, and some smaller egg-laying as specially bred hens and cockerels of these breeds grow more slowly than conventional broilers. Most of the dual-purpose chicken, therefore, is also not efficient enough to be economically viable.

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How will the Ministry of agriculture to prevent the Chicks to kill?

For years, the state of the economy announces the Ministry, to prevent the Chicks shredding. Instead of banning it, it has spent 6.5 million euros, in order to promote the development of procedures to determine in embryonated Egg, the sex of a chick.

Currently, there are two possibilities. The spectroscopic method and the endocrine. The objective of both analysis procedures, it is the male animals in the first slip. The eggs are then used as animal feed. At first, the eggs must be incubated for about four days, to be able to examine you. Using a laser, the Egg is then analyzed. The sex of the developing chick can be determined on the basis of the reflected light.

The endocrine-sensory method is used. Scientists from Leipzig presented it in the past year. This is after about nine days in the brood a tiny hole in the shell of the ice cream Cabinet burned and a little of the liquid removed. This can be quite reliable to sex hormones test.

especially to the supermarket group Rewe has already sold eggs in the Metropolitan area of Berlin, with the help of the endocrine system – also Seleggt method called – were tested. Up to the end of the year, these so-called Respeggt to be offered eggs nationwide. It is not, however, the eggs, the male Chicks. These are not suitable for human consumption, because they were already in the incubator. A Respeggt Egg comes from the hatched female siblings. You will be considered as laying hens.

According to the Minister of agriculture, Julia Klöckner (CDU) could come to the Seleggt method from 2024 on a nationwide basis. Klöckner sees in it the possibility that the animal welfare act by any male Chicks and more to hatch, who would then be killed. The embryonated eggs can be used as feed in agriculture.

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‘t eat Why the eggs with the male Chicks?

as soon As an Egg bebrütet was, it is not suitable in Germany for human consumption.

eggs, which end up in the super market shelves, are unfertilized in the rule. You can also slip through the Incubation and no Chicks. Most laying hens are kept without a rooster, because it put so or so eggs. Fertilization is, therefore, the egg is not necessary. After a few months the hens will begin today in modern laying farms with egg production.

chickens Are kept in free-land, the cockerels in the flock, to protect them. So even fertilized eggs can occur. Since these eggs are not incubated, but the companies collect them directly after Laying, the Embryo will develop. This happens only if the Egg is kept warm.

In the trade, grade A eggs, if you have a non-visible developed germ. This will be checked by the Egg up to the light, before it is packaged and shipped.

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What Animal protectionists and animal rights activists demand?

organizations such as the German animal protection Association or the organization food watch criticize in principle to kill animals for purely economic reasons, it was neither ethical nor legal. They hope by the procedure before the Federal administrative court to put an end to the practice. The only long-term solution to use chickens, were the Second of the animal protection Association said. The increase in the price of eggs and meat would have to be taken in purchase.

animal protection : shredding? © Peter Endig/dpa poultry industry : male Chicks and killed animal welfare : gender detection in the Egg to hatched Chicks shredding in mass animal husbandry to prevent : you Can save this chick?

The determination of Sex in front of the Hatch is in the case of animal rights is also controversial. In particular, the Rewe used Seleggt method. This is due to the fact that the sex can be determined only between the eighth and tenth Bruttag. It is scientifically controversial whether the Embryos have then feel a pain. Is excluded, it is currently before the seventh Bruttag, as also stated in a progress report of the Scientific service of the Bundestag (Pdf, 2017).

Imagine the spectroscopic method, which can determine, after three days of the breeding period, the gender is therefore. This requires, however, a significantly larger Opening in the Egg, which makes the process more time-consuming.

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What is the poultry industry says?

The industry is backing off to kill the Chicks as soon as a “practical Alternative exists,” said the Association of the poultry sector prior to the hearing before the Federal administrative court. Currently, this is not the case. The Ministry of agriculture supported and already from the Rewe-group, the procedure applied for determination of sex could be ready to Operate next year. Whether and how quickly traders or establishments soon follow the example of Rewe that is open. Currently, the Federal government has not announced whether or not she wants to in the future commit the business to make use of the procedure. The method would mean, according to the developers, teams, no additional costs for the industry. However, the fees for the trade license, whereby the egg prices could rise.

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What kind of judgment is expected?

Matthias wolf Schmidt of the consumer organization food watch expects that the Federal administrative court is likely to follow the arguments of hatcheries and farms. The judge would probably decide that “the Killing of male Chicks in the absence of Alternatives is a reasonable cause within the meaning of the animal protection law,” said wolf Schmidt. He urged, therefore, to make the animal protection act, in principle, to the test. Since the basic law of animal protection as a state objective, whether the law, in his opinion, in its present Form is unconstitutional.

The poultry industry expects to get once again, as in the lower court. The Federal administrative court should prohibit the practice, would move the holdings abroad, said industry circles. The animal probably would not have helped the argument.

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