All Andrea Berg fans know that the pop singer is a family man. No wonder that the corona crisis is causing a great headache for the singer. After her current tour had to be canceled and the open air planned for July had to be moved to her hometown Aspach, Andrea can now concentrate entirely on private matters. But the pop singer fears above all for the health of her mother.

Since the contagious corona virus is particularly dangerous for older people, it is actually quite clear that Andrea Berg is very concerned about the health of her mother Helga. At 75, she is no longer the youngest. Andrea has now spoken about her fears in an interview with the BILD newspaper. “I’m at home all the time and go shopping for her so she doesn’t have to go out. Then we cook together. The other day I was sitting with my mom, we poured ourselves a nice glass of wine and I made her nails, ”reveals Andrea Berg. In these moments Andrea enjoys remembering the beautiful moments of her life with her mother.

In addition to her career as a pop singer, Andrea and her husband Ulrich Ferber also run the traditional “Sonnenhof” hotel in Aspach. At the moment it was a “very painful experience” for Andrea when she walked through the hotel for breakfast in the morning and there were no guests. “Then I look at Uli closely: He thinks of his parents, what they created,” Andrea admits. The relationship between the two continues to run smoothly even after years. Berg: “We have been through so many things together, and Corona doesn’t knock us down either. We are welded together very tightly. In times like these you have to endure as a couple and afterwards you are stronger. ”For fans of the pop singer there is already an interesting concert documentary on Saturday. The documentary “Andrea Berg – Life is a mosaic” will run on ZDF from 8:15 p.m.



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