On Wednesday night, 22.43 watch has reported Frauke Petry, with a letter to all AfD members. It takes the speech of their party’s internal counterparty Björn Höcke. Petry resist Höckes requirement, a 180-degree turn speaks to draw in the German politics of memory. It also distances itself from the term “movement”, the Höcke, with a view to the AfD used. And finally, you jump to her husband, and Einflüsterer Marcus Pretzell, which came as the country head of the AfD in North Rhine-Westphalia, under pressure, after a secret ballot, arrangements were revealed by WhatsApp.

Petry repeatedly in the long letter to the members that they themselves would occupy the Nazi term “nationalist” like to be positive. This Pitch does not fit. The party leader is trying instead to draw the image of a reputable and decent AfD, the is for as many groups of the society selectable. That you came to speak, of all places, the national Association of her husband, taken aback: In North Rhine-Westphalia is the AfD not only because of the secret ballot-fixing and destroyed ballot papers so pretty much the opposite of a decent party. Her husband, Marcus Pretzell, as the country chief and his closest Confidants have a corresponding proportion.

With Nazi party funds against a group of religion

some time Ago about the “Young Alternative” (YES), presented a photo montage. Under the Heading “New in the YES-NRW-Shop” showed the youth organisation of the AfD in North Rhine-Westphalia, the image of a gas canister, a lighter and a Koran. You linked the photos with the Plus sign, and wrote below it: “the Qur’an-disposal package”.

star Exclusive Petry-life companion, the AfD’s top candidate: Where does Marcus Pretzell? By Wigbert Löer

It is Familiar with the North Rhine-were-Westphalia AfD heads of Marcus Pretzells, the called as to book burning, as it is in 1933 the Nazis after their seizure of power did The chief of the young Alternative in North Rhine-Westphalia, Sven Tritschler, Pretzell for a Long time. Tritschlers Deputy John-Luke Langkamp is employed as a staff Pretzells. to rush

With Nazi party funds against a religious group, this and much more is possible in the realm of the AfD-politician Marcus Pretzell. The focus of the country’s leaders and its helpers: AfD-members are for a few weeks.

The choice of procedure should be changed to

last September, despite an extremely weak Challenger, only 54 percent of the delegates Pretzell to the top candidate selected. Now, obviously, trying to get all those party members in his national Association, which are to be considered as a Pretzells enemies, to Silence. He himself expresses it in a closed Facebook group so: “It is the lies of the past months are now, the NRW enormously damaged uncovered and those responsible from positions away.”

parties-advertising, the background of The perfidious election posters of the AfD By Jenny Kalle fountain

this Sunday the state Convention in Oberhausen Pretzell wants to get rid of is also the Co-Chairman, Martin Renner, and as the sole Power in the North-Rhine Westphalia AfD gain. In the application book, the is the star, more than a dozen deselection requests against Renner. Interesting: before the treatment the deselection of applications, the choice of procedure should be changed. For the deselection of the Pretzell annoying Co-heads of it need to AfD-articles of incorporation by a Two-thirds majority. Apparently, this majority should be lowered to 50 percent.

– paying jobs as political currency

When Pretzell defined “Remove” in the internal AfD-forums, the Bochum AfD-Vice-Chairman Wolfgang Demolsky. The pensioner applies as a strategist and Eminence Grise of his party. He also filed a Dismissal motion against Pretzells opponent Renner. Demolskys family rents Pretzell for some time also an apartment, so that he could properly log in. Demolskys wife is number six of the AfD list for the state election. If the AfD does not lose big in the consent, white wife Demolsky so for the next few years with a secure income provided.

AfD-principle program Frauke Petry: asylum should only be granted as a grace DPA

According to the star revealed WhatsApp-affair, it was Wolfgang Demolsky, took contact with the other bearing. Pretzell, the earning of the AfD due to its tax debt, a account of attachment, is considered by many as a questionable character. Demolsky tried now, therefore, stubbornly, to make sceptics and supporters. Some of this was already switched to the Pretzell-page. There is the list for the state election soon for more Jobs waving after setting Up – as members of the NRW-AfD in the Bundestag, or as their employees. Paid jobs have become Pretzell in the North-Rhine Westphalia AfD on the political currency.

“The biggest bastard of the AfD in North Rhine Westphalia”

Others that are not yet moved away from the Co-party leader Renner, to be attacked by Pretzell-Familiar Demolsky rough. Such a AfD-man he referred to in a closed Facebook group as “the biggest bastard of the AfD in North Rhine Westphalia”. Demolsky was, apparently, the party had expressed a rebellious over his father Günther Demolsky.

after 1949, the national Secretary of the Socialist party, which saw itself in the Tradition of the NSDAP, and in 1952 as an anti-constitutional organization was banned. In the 1990s, Demolskys father in Bochum because of the allegation of the denial of the Holocaust before the court. He also belonged to the radical right-wing “circle of friends of freedom for Germany” (FFD), was banned in 1993.

Trusted His son, the Pretzell -, widespread now in the Facebook Forum is not about, his father had, unfortunately, been an Alt-Nazi. According to Wolfgang Demolsky dedicated to his father, “the truth” and “for our Germany destroyed and sacrificed.” Home with them, argued, Wolfgang Demolsky, had arrived earlier, people like Ernst Otto Remer and Hans-Ulrich Rudel, “the national Flag to keep up”.

A Holocaust denier, to be a Nazi

It is not really comprehensible, as Wolfgang Demolsky with this kind of Point out wants to show that his father was quite radical. The extreme right-wing ethos of the two Nazi generals Remer and the pack is not in doubt. Remer called a traitor after the war, the Hitler-assassin as a country and tried in the Federal Republic of Germany, radical right-wing structures. The pack operated in South America as a flight assistant for national socialists and later belonged to the German-operated right-wing sect, Colonia Dignidad in Chile. In Germany he appeared as a speaker for the extreme right-wing DVU.

In the Gessplendid Gar-fitness with the star called Wolfgang Demolsky it as a “insinuation” that his father had been a Nazi. On his involvement in the radical right-wing organization and on the process because of the Holocaust-denial pointed out, said Demolsky: “I have only three, four Times with my father over it spoken.” Deeper Demolsky not want to get involved in the discussion, he has, apparently, prefer to alleged intra-party adversaries than with their own tangled views.

“don’t worry, we still have enough ammunition…”

For your AfD-internal struggle some Pretzell have collected for people eager incriminating Material. The lawyer Corinna Bülow from Mönchengladbach, who is a member of the Board of Directors of the AfD County Association writes. Bülow managed the Pretzell-close-to-WhatsApp-group around the list of statements to the state election. On Facebook she shares, under the name of Annemarie Bülow contributions Pretzell be published. And there, she announced in a closed group, the “splitters” would be “silenced”. As someone in the Forum or we have to first see whether the successful-so-slightly, added the lawyer: “don’t worry, we still have enough ammunition…”

The star Corinna Bülow asked what kind of ammunition it was. The Pretzell-worker was not available for comment.

Marcus Pretzell, 43, four children from his first marriage, the fifth, announced he’ll Frauke Petry this year to the world: One could describe him as one of the most exciting leaders of the AfD. Most recently, he made nationwide headlines. Pretzell, Angela Merkel, blamed on the twelve-fold murder of the Islamists anise Amri. He posted photos of his wedding with Frauke Petry. He denied the media had apparently reported to his Favor, the entry to an event with Marine Le Pen in Koblenz.

Internally, he is working consistently to need the Power in NRW no longer share. Martin Renner should be on Sunday in Oberhausen deselected, said Pretzells consultant Wolfgang Demolsky the star, there would be no new Co-head of the regional Executive Board.

star does not have Exclusive WhatsApp Chat delegates at the NRW-AfD: Wrong question-out of

In the WhatsApp Chat confesses to a functionary, some of the delegates to be “in control”. But the “Problem” will take care of that. A little later the delegates to be voted out of office in the presence of the Deputy country chief. The case is now before the country, the court of arbitration.

Wigbert Löer


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