Photo credit: TASS/Valery sharifulin
the Actress Natalia Andreichenko told in Instagram after the information about his “disappearance” in Mexico that before the trip, turned my phone off. The actress said that the last time she had to work, so she decided to “break free and regain strength”, reports RT.
According to Andreichenko, she went to a “special settlement in the jungle”, where was organized a meeting with “religious leaders” from different countries. “In this amazing place you’re in complete seclusion, and no one has the right to disturb you”, – said the artist.
Previously PR Director and artist Jan Trunci reported that Andreychenko’s been out for more than a day. The incident occurred on January 25. Trunci noted that on that day the actress went from a friend due to the fact that she was sleepy.
the Russian Embassy clarifies the circumstances of the disappearance of the actress Andreichenko in Mexico
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