Wolfgang Niedecken was 13 years old when he was beaten in boarding school St. Albert in Rheinbach, near Cologne of a father, and sexually abused. If he faltered queries to the vocabulary, he was beaten and then bloody with a stick he had cut himself. In the evening, could it happen that he was hired by the father from the bed. “Then you could put in the lap, and was fondled.”

It is the perfect psycho was a terrorist. Because: “this tormentor, we had to then confess,” says the 67-year-old BAP-frontman of the German press Agency. “And we were believers. It was the purest of the brain. He was able to question us, and with this Knowledge, then, in the corner. Perfidious.”


The 67-year-old musician Wolfgang Niedecken was as a child in a Catholic boarding school, miss

©Oliver Berg

need used to be the Church claimed that such fates of individual cases. Today no one says that anymore. The in September published abuse study by the German bishops conference (DBK) showed that Between 1946 and 2014 should be at least 1670 Catholic cleric 3677 mostly male minors abused. This corresponds to 4.4 percent of all clerics. “This is the tip of the iceberg,” says the DBK-abuse officer Stephan Ackermann. In other countries, it looks similar.

abuse summit in the Vatican,

that is Why Pope Francis for Thursday, the heads of the Episcopal conferences from all over the world in the Vatican invited. At this unprecedented summit meeting should be to discuss how abuse can be prevented.

star-interview in Vienna, Archbishop Christoph Schönborn, “I was too naive”: The Pope-Fan abuse in the Church and dealing with the perpetrators

Wolfgang Niedecken is 1980 out of the Church, shortly after the death of his deeply religious father. “I have never regretted this step.” Nevertheless, the abuse has made him not let the experience to be a sworn enemy of the Church. “The Pope makes me an excellent impression,” says the Cologne Rocker. And also the abuse of representative Ackermann, he got to know in conversations as credible. “On the other hand, there is in the Vatican a strong conservative Opposition,” he believes. “The salami tactic: just admit what is already proven.”

in fact, most observers assume that the Catholic bishops are deeply divided, especially the Germans. Although there is a Consensus that the abuse must be fought – but it is deeply divided in the question of whether the structures of the Church need to change. “Some of the bishops living in the dogmatic Belief of God personally in their Offices have been called,” explained the dogmatics Professor Michael Seewald. “You mean, therefore, that only God, and possibly even to the Pope about their administration accountable. The is fatal.”

the authors of The German misuse of the study have named several points in favour of the crimes in their eyes: these are the distinctive clerical Power of the vow of celibacy – the mandatory celibacy of the priests and the problematic of dealing with sexuality, especially homosexuality. In Germany, the expectations are big here now, fast, decisive changes.

celibacy, no women priests? “Nonsense,”

the Central Committee of German Catholics is calling for a complete equality of women and men in all Church Offices, as well as the abolition of celibacy. A survey conducted by the opinion research Institute YouGov on behalf of the German press Agency revealed this week that the majority of Germans, even Non-Catholics – radical steps of the Church expect: 72 percent want women priests, 82 percent are in favour of the abolition of celibacy. Wolfgang Niedecken see it the same way: “I really wonder what this nonsense is even in today’s world. Dating from the middle ages.”

abuse in the Church, Pope confesses: the priests have nuns in “sexual slavery” held DPA

The topics of celibacy and women’s priesthood in the conference in the Vatican, but not yet time to debate – let alone that any Changes could be decided. “I expect the Meeting in Rome no concrete decisions,” says expert Seewald, who is himself a priest. “The future is a Signal that you don’t want to leave it at cosmetic changes, and an admission that the abuse has something to do with failed developments in the theological structure of the Catholic Church, however, would be. As a result, the Pope would also be in the previous Objectors a discussion on office and management, as well as power and Power control off. That would be already a progress.”

Wolfgang Niedecken is to track the misuse of the summit with interest. Because even if he is no longer a member: “As an atheist, I would not call me. I would say: Somewhere I am remaining Catholic. In spite of everything.”

fin / Christoph Driessen, DPA /


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