The minister of Development in office, José Luis Abalos, has been estimated on Monday that more than 7 million euros in damages for the “sabotage” produced in the rail and in the attempt of occupation of the airport of Barcelona, in the context of the protests carried out in Catalonia in the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling which sentenced the key leaders of the procés separatist sentences of between 9 and 13 years for sedition and malfeasance. In an interview on the Cadena Ser network, Ábalos has been pointed out that the Government is trying to lessen the impact on the infrastructure affected by the disorder, while it is “conditioned by the public order measures that can be taken”.


Sánchez, harassed by Catalonia Young people after the bonfire

Asked about the involvement of the carriers, and trucks of goods, has explained that the Government has sought to diversions alternative, and as to whether these are going to be compensated, has indicated that it “does not raise this issue.” “What we are insisting on that it actually are producing these damages, and we know perfectly who are its perpetrators”, has been completed.

The past 14 of October, thousands of people occupied the airport of Barcelona in a call against the judgment of the procés promoted by the Tsunami Democràtic, a group of independence that promotes civil disobedience. The protesters managed to cancel over a hundred flights and suffered the burdens of the National Police and the Mossos d’esquadra. The protests for independence continued throughout the week, some of them followed by severe riots, which resulted in 288 agents wounded, and 194 detainees.


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