Weapons 03/02/20 Vitaly Kuzminichi Russian machine gun called the best in the world
Heavy machine guns have become an integral part of modern warfare. It is the weapon has much more firepower and, consequently, a greater capacity than conventional firearms. These guns can not only deal with manpower of the enemy, to destroy the fortifications and to destroy lightly armored vehicles, but even to deal with the snipers.
However, despite all these advantages, the heavy machine guns have disadvantages that stem from the already described advantages. They are heavy, have a strong impact, require more careful care and shoot them only from the machine or equipment.
for Example, the US army is still armed with a heavy machine gun Browning M2. This weapon was designed and put into operation in 1933, however, the design proved so successful that it has retained its relevance until now, but the problems were resolved with modifications.
the history of the invention of domestic KKP originates in the 30-ies in the Soviet Union. The first large machine gun of the Soviet era became a DK (Degtyarev large-caliber). The scheme is, in essence, was an enlarged copy of the DP-27 – light machine gun Degtyarev under the 7.62. For this reason, the machine gun was “raw”, ie, when shooting was beset by delays related to design flaws. To help Basil Djagtereva came his colleague Georgy Shpagin and soon the red army came DShK (Degtereva – Shpagin large-Caliber), which was held with the soldiers throughout the war.
In the line of Soviet heavy machine guns one of the latest models became “the Rock.” Modern for its time, the system was developed in 1971 and is in service still. But the downside is that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, all the technical documentation and CLedutella, and the right of production of these weapons remained in Kazakhstan.
All this has created preconditions for the establishment in Russia of a new gun. He was supposed to meet modern requirements and fully produced in Russia. For the development came from Kovrov gunsmiths.
it was Originally planned only to upgrade the design of the “Cliff”, however, after careful study, it became clear that it is easier to make new weapons. After a long and hard work, in 1997, saw the light heavy machine gun “KORD”. Its name is a contraction of “Kovrov gunsmiths degtyarevtsy”. The design was so successful that within the year the weapon was accepted into service.
the design was used different constructive innovations and inventions, however, the main secret that allows us to call this gun the sniper is the barrel of the gun, or rather, the way it is processed. The point is, when shooting the barrel heats up and is deformed. Due to the fact that it heats unevenly, there is a warp, or as it is called the armorers “slack”. The designer came up with such a scheme, in which the temperature in the barrel is distributed evenly, because of what the SAG does not occur.
One of the main features of Russian “trunks” is reliability. In the “rope” she’s perfected. When this weapon was presented at the arms exhibition in the UAE, at the same time, they exhibited various foreign models of weapons, including the already mentioned “Rock” and “Browning”. And, by all accounts, KORD beat all competitors.
He was not only most accurate but also the most tenacious. Before the advent of delays in the shooting, he was allowed to release all of the 300 shots, while their closest rivals this figure barely reached 150. In addition, the machine gun continued to work in the conditions of sandstorms, which one day collapsed on the exhibition.
This weapon is largely universal. “Cord” can be charged on both the right and the left. It is put in the tanks as the turret anti-aircraft machine gun used in the infantry installed on the machine, but with all this, shoot it right off the bipod. The recoil of the gun is so relaxed that some of the fighters managed to carry out a fire with it.
But the versatility this concerns not only structural features but also in the scope. Cartridge with armour piercing in combat “Cord” can be used against fortifications, lightly armored vehicles and even low flying aircraft. And all this at a distance of 1.5-2 kilometers. What happens to the person when released of the ammunition, and can not speak.
Vasily Khodarev
© Russian Seven
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