Photos: Moscow 24/Lidiya Shironina
Airlines in China fired Russian pilots because of the coronavirus, told the portal Ura.ru the former commander of the aircraft, specialist safety Alexander Romanov. According to him, due to the outbreak of the disease has decreased passenger traffic in China.
“In connection with the coronavirus transport they have reduced. I know they sometimes carry five to ten passengers on large aircraft,” – said Romanov.
According to a former pilot, Chinese airlines gained on the job professional pilots from Russia with knowledge of a foreign language to train local pilots. They probably already have a fairly large number of staff, said Romanov.
However, according to him, in case of dismissal of Russian pilots without work will not remain as they have European and American certificates, they can continue to work abroad.
“People will look for other airlines such as Japan airlines,” concluded Novels.
Earlier it was reported that in China, under threat of dismissal are about a hundred pilots from Russia, official comment on this issue yet.
the First reports of an outbreak of a new type of pneumonia began to come from the Chinese Wuhan at the end of last year. Victims of the new coronavirus in China have become 811 people, infected almost 37,2 thousand people.
the Kremlin has stepped up precautions for coronavirus
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In Wuhan from the coronavirus passed away, the doctor, who was forbidden to speak about his poyavleniya coronavirus has caused people around the world a new phobia