the Last offensive in the U.S. against abortion: Alabama is about to the total prohibition The united STATES Supreme will review a law in Louisiana that restricts access to abortion, Hundreds of protests in united States against the laws that limit abortion
In two weeks, Alabama was to become the State with one of the anti-abortion laws more restrictive in the united States. However, a federal judge has blocked this Tuesday, the draconian legislation that criminalizes the termination of pregnancy as a serious crime, in any stage of pregnancy —even in cases of incest or rape, and criminalized with up to 99 years of imprisonment to the physician practice. Only allowed to apply the procedure when the mother’s life was in “grave” danger or the fetus exhibits an abnormality lethal that could cause his death soon after birth. The term preliminary judge will remain in effect until the court resolves the case in its entirety”.
“The ban on abortion in Alabama contradicts a clear precedent of the Supreme Court of Justice,” wrote the district judge of the united States, Myron Thompson, in an opinion attached to the judgment. “It violates the right of an individual to privacy, to make decisions central to personal dignity and autonomy. It diminishes the capacity of women to act in society and to make decisions in matters of reproductive health. It defies the Constitution of the united States,” he concluded.
The architects of the prohibitive law of Alabama that they expect will eventually be the Supreme Court to decide. Since Donald Trump came to the White House, the supreme court has added two conservatives in its ranks, which may mean that in case of discuss the abortion, there is a majority of five to four to reverse the landmark ruling known as Roe versus Wade, which established in 1973 that abortion was a constitutional right protected by the 14th amendment of the Magna Carta. The next June the Court will make public its decision on this issue, particularly from the anti-abortion laws in Louisiana, which requires doctors that practice the interruption of pregnancy to do so in clinics that are located less than 48 kilometers of a general hospital.
Thompson issued the preliminary injunction Tuesday preventing that Alabama has to meet, from the 15th of November, with the law passed in the state house last may. The ruling, which said that abortion services will remain available in the State at least for now, will remain in effect until the court resolves the case in its entirety”. Randall Marshall, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU, in its English acronym), said that the judge’s decision was expected. “This law is ill-advised it will cost more money to taxpayers”, he lamented, alluding to the costs of the legal proceedings.
The attempt by assaulting the right to abortion in Alabama is part of a wave of initiatives presented and approved by the United conservatives in the last two years. But the lower courts have been ordered to block the restrictive laws as those of Georgia, North Dakota and Arkansas, before coming into force. Now the eyes are on what will decide the Supreme court next June on Louisiana. It will be the first pronouncement on the interruption of pregnancy with the two new members chosen by Trump, and you can mark a precedent that drag the united States to the times of prohibition.