Photo: social networks
Attorney family law Andrei Sarychev said that the criminal case against has beaten the stepson stepfather initiated under article 117 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation may be changed to a more severe article.
“There is some information in which discernible signs of a crime. In this case, video. 117 is the article on which it is easiest to prosecute. This is torture,” said the lawyer in an interview with the Moscow 24.
He noted that the preliminary investigation is just beginning. “The person is detained, it will give explanations, to give explanations to the children’s mother, will be interviewed by the children themselves with the participation of teachers and psychologists,” continued Sarychev.
Children will be assigned to compulsory forensic examination, which would reveal whether caused by their health any harm. Therefore, this examination will identify the severity of the harm.
Andrew Sarychevoi family law
Then depending on that children suffer harm, the result can change an article in the criminal business men. “The charges could become more serious. For example, can be applied article 111 of the criminal code of Russian Federation “Deliberate causing of heavy harm to health” – said the lawyer.
If in a criminal case will remain article 117 “Torture”, to the suspect, according to Sarychev, be sentenced to a term of imprisonment from 3 to 7 years. The punishment for a crime against a minor under article 111 of the criminal code, to 10 years imprisonment.
Recall: previously, the Network got the video, which shows how a man makes crying boy to squat, and after the child falls, exhausted, begins to beat him.
After the incident concerning his stepfather was a criminal case about the deliberate infliction of harm.
discussing shocking footage of abuse of a child
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