Photo: TASS
celebrations in honor of the 130th anniversary of the birth of poet and writer Boris Pasternak, will hold at the exhibition center, reports portal of the mayor and government of Moscow.
on 10 February in the lecture hall of the pavilion “worker and collective farm girl” will be a recital, and February 14 in the center of Slavic writing “Word” will be a master class in poetry.
the Evening will consist of a theatrical jam session, where guests will have the opportunity to recite scenes from his favorite poems.
Guests also waiting for a statement from theatre group the Dead Poets Band. Actors will read the poems of Pasternak and the recollections of his contemporaries.
the master class lecturer at the faculty of journalism of Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov Egor Sartakov will tell you how to read poetry, what rhythm and many more.
Pasternak was born February 10, 1890 in Moscow. In 1912 he graduated from Moscow University, but the diploma didn’t come. In 1958 he was awarded the Nobel prize for literature for his novel “Doctor Zhivago”.
the Book was published first in Italy in 1957, and then in the Netherlands, the UK and the USA. As a result, the writer was subjected to the persecution by the Soviet government and a number of colleagues, and then gave up the prize.
In August 2019, former Minister of culture Vladimir Medinsky gave Director Quentin Tarantino in Moscow the facsimile edition of the first book of poems by Boris Pasternak’s “Twin in clouds”, released in 1913. Tarantino is a great admirer of Pasternak.
see also
“All your”: the House-Museum of Boris Pasternaka for awards: what awards refused celebrity